pretty profile {cabinet pulls}

I cannot not say it enough--fabulous interior design is really all about thoughtful details. The cabinet pulls in this kitchen are the perfect example of that statement, as they absolutely make the space. I just adore the profile, material and shape.

(Park Slope Home via Workstead)


lizziedee said…
Beautiful attention to detail!
Ambyr said…
Wow this is really pretty. I thought that was a wall treatment at first. I love that the cabinets are so 'hidden'.

mikky said…
Those pulls look great!

Anonymous said…
Lovely new angle!
Animal Print Gal said…
I looove these! So clean and simple! Thank you so much for sharing!
Glass Doors said…
Cheers for this kitchen interior. I like the way it was made Modern, elegant and simple in design.
Frosted Glass said…
Simply beautiful and inspiring.
Robert Smith said…
I really really like this fabulous interior design. It was just outstanding. Thanks a lot for sharing with us
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