digital reprieve

Today was  a rare day -- I decided to detach myself from my mac book. I cannot tell you how long it has been since I have woken up and brewed a pot of coffee before powering up my computer.  I savored time playing ball with my dogs, went for a run without worrying about my to do list, made soup for dinner (which took two perfect hours.) I also managed to get to an estate sale and scored some amazing pieces -- they need some love but are all so amazingly full of potential that I am not sure I can go to sleep tonight. So, I am curious what would you do to these pieces? 


Janelle said…
The mirrored cabinet piece it beautiful! Great score!
Heatherly said…
That mirrored cabinet is amazing! I would turn it into a bar cart in my living room...
Naomi@DesignManifest said…
Amazing score with the mirrored piece. I've been lusting after Ello mirroed credenzas for a long time.
Couture Carrie said…
The mirrored cabinet is exquisite! I would put it in my walk-in closet :)

David King said…
A lot of thanks for sharing such post guys .
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