garden variety inspiration

 I spent most of my day at the Chicago Botanic Garden setting up an Antiques and Garden Fair booth for Michael Del Piero (who also has a Tastemaker Tag Sale on One Kings Lane going live at 10 A.M. CST tomorrow.) I forgot how inspiring gardens can be. I was in awe of the colors, the patterns and most of all this beautiful brick wall of espalier crabapple trees...
I will be back tomorrow sharing my favorite trellis inspired textiles and shots from the fair!


Libby said…
Hi Blair:
How could I have not seen your blog before this!! Just came over from In Stitches. Following you now, and will look over your Pinterest boards when I have a minute1
Nice to meet you!
Ambyr said…
This is really cool. I like that it's so uniform and still leaves some of the brick exposed.

Ada (new york) said…
Nice .. that is my kind of trellis - garden beauty!
Like Me Some said…
That looks incredible! I can't imagaine maintaining that clean look but I love it!!
Wedding Invitation said…
Nice! Really cool stuff and very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

Wedding Invitations
Laura - Elsee Blog said…
So glad I saw this. I have been wanting to do this on my garage wall. I love the refreshing simplicity of the diagonals, but it has so much wow factor.
How2home said…
this is such a great idea! could you do a diy for this? we just posted a post about unique garden designs. check it out and let us know what you think! love your blog!
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Jane said…
I'm inspire to see this post and the garden variety .
Shadow Making said…
I found this post to be very informative and helpful. I will have to recommend you to my friends. I am very thankful to you for giving this post.
Robert Smith said…
What a lovely decorated wall! It's so amazing.
Alex said…
Really it was amazing post. Thank you for sharing with us.

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