symmetry + mirrors

I just love both of these rooms for the symmetry and beautiful built in mirrors. A very magical look!
(via AD Germany and unknown)


Tiina A said…
Bold and elegant yet very cosy.
I like a lot!

Have a wonderful weekend!
love the black lamps! hope you have a lovely weekend, darling! xo
B is building a house said…
Love those dining chairs in the first photo!

Chic Coles said…
Wow that first image is so pretty and sharp. Love the two white wing chairs.
Couture Carrie said…
Amazing spaces!
Especially loving the first one!

the designers muse said…
Love the second photo. Very architectural!
sarwar said…
nice work keep it up
Hibou said…
The picture above is from the hotel JK Place in Capri, It there is another JK in Florence, It.
More picture on
Md Sumon said…
Gorgeous decoration . The second decoration looks more pretty to me .
remove white background
Robert Smith said…
I don't have anything to say about these gorgeous interior designs.
Raster To vector/clipping path service/Background Removal

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