inspired palette {violet + khaki}

I am not a purple person. As much as I love color it has always been one of those that I have a hard time loving. It always seem to sacchrine. However, I do love it when paired with the weight of colors like khaki and olive...
(osborne and little and john richmond)
And what about you?


Mary Ann Pickett said…
Cute on the model...but not great on me...pale lavender is fine (my mother gave me a nice lavender cashmere pullover).
Anonymous said…
I just designed a bedroom with purple and chartreuse but I think this just overtook that as my new favourite colour combination. That outfit is completely stunning!
Annie said…
MUST know - what is the name of this O&L beauty! LOVE! (Although I am crazy about color in all other forms, I've also never been much if a purple girl - it has been growing on me lately!)
sofa said…
I'm quite pleased with the ifonrmation in this post.nice and useful!
thank you!
Ambyr said…
I love that runway look. It's kind of says "the Outback meets NYC". I like the mixing of textures in the fabrics.

Interior Designer said…
I love the color combinations. Excellent taste. Lovely!
Kim@Chattafabulous said…
Purple is definitely in the air! Love it in it softest form, lavender!
Gwen Driscoll said…
i actually love purple, especially lavender & coupled w/ khaki it's a masterpiece!
Ela Turner said…
I too would love to know how to get this O&L fabric!
Angela said…
Love this combination all most as much as eggplant and dark grey. Add a little green to the mix and it's beautiful.
Leblogdebernis said…
Leslie said…
Hopping regularly you'll shared such post with us .
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