loving {walls of white}

A picture wall doesn't have to be bold or the focal point of a room. It can also serve as a neutral and charming backdrop to a space. This look can be achieved when frames are all pale neutrals and the artwork is in black and white or sepia..

(via melanie avecedo and marie claire maison)


Anonymous said…
ilovewhitewalls, eeeeeeegh!!
I can never resist a perfect white space; these are both so lovely and calming xx
Lily said…
Love this look...I have all white walls so it fits right in for me !!

Unknown said…
Love love love this! Looks so pretty and chic!
I love white... and when I see beautiful spaces like these it just reminds me why I love all white...it's just so calming.
A Room For Everyone said…
Great advice. I have the white frames and I've been wondering whether to use prints with colour or black and white. I think you've made up my mind! Rachaelx
designchic said…
gorgeous...love the antlers added at the top of the first!!
Katie*Belle said…
What a great point. And these images are gorgeous!
This is a beautiful look, but I don't know if I could have that much restraint, I would want to throw in a shock of color.
beautiful walls. I have white frames on neutral walls too and I love it. happy monday!
catherine said…
Lovely post! So nice to see something other than black frames!
Fine Art Prints said…
Love the salon style art groupings!
fayedc said…
love love this! so clean...so refreshing
Ambyr said…
I love all the matted white frames, very clean, simple but still makes a pretty statement piece.

Black on White said…
Both of those looks beautiful. Especially the last one - so light and peaceful!
Couture Carrie said…
Totally gorgeous and inspirational spaces!

elbur said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
detektei said…
Pure white and looks gorgeous. Home arrangement is perfect with single colour, Photo frames are superb and awesome, it is very simple but best for eye catching.
Bernadette Pollard said…
Absolutely stunning rooms. Thanks for the "white" inspiration. I love the little cork side table.

I like white house, all seemed clean, while the only trouble is that it is also difficult to clean the house:)
Andrea Reh said…
I love the way they've broken the walls up with neutral pictures so they don't feel so clinical. Lovely.
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industrial first aid said…
Decorating wall with photographs, is superb idea to hide painting mistakes. I also done same work in dining room, you shared your idea before me, in your blog.
Hany said…
Hopping everyone'll like these decoration .
Cathy said…
White and white! This is just exciting white combination for interior decoration.
Robert smith said…
Well decoration. Really it's so beautiful. Thanks

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