
My favorite store back home is Antiquaire--it is impeccably curated and is the only store in the states that carries the entire line of the beloved tolix chairs. Mellissa Edelman, the owner, apparently not only can fill of store with amazing pieces but can also design amazing spaces, as proved by this room that she designed for a showhouse in my hometown...

Hope you love her work and her store as much as I do.


Glamour Drops said…
Tolix chairs, exposed brick, natural linens and fresh roses. What, exactly, is there not to like?
Claudia Fabiana said…
Amazing how it all works perfectly together! So lovely!

~R said…
Love the chandeliers. Gorgeous spaces.
rooth said…
This store seems very unique and it looks very carefully curated - you're very lucky to have this in your home town!
The Golden Girls said…
Beautiful post!!! such an amazing look :)
Golden White Décor
Sharon Lee Johnson said…
What a stunning room1 I love everything about it! x Sharon
MissKait said…
i love this antique "aged" look it's just always so delicate and beautiful

Gemma Ambidge said…
It's great how she can make a room with brick walls seem so light and airy
Anonymous said…
Lovely! I adore the Tolix chairs. And the pale blue versions are perfect in this space. Thanks for sharing!
Callie Grayson said…
Since this place is so close I will have to go by her shop!!!
Ambyr said…
I'm loving the chandelier and rug in that room. It's such a cozy and fresh feeling room.

Couture Carrie said…
Absolutely exquisite!
Love the chairs!

Melissa Blake said…
wow, everything looks so lovely! xoxo
Nadia said…
Gorgeous space, thank you for sharing!

xo Nadia
Joanna said…
The chairs are so gorgeous! Contemporary chic design! Love it! Check out also 3D Renderings
*^_^* said…
Wonderful! Awesome!
Miss Charming said…
Absolutely amazing! Love the colors and especially the chandelier.
allyoursites said…
I love the color mix. very welcoming. Beautiful!
Maryam said…
LOVE this room!! Perfect!!

xo, Maryam
Leslie said…
Spanking decoration . Love this.
Robert Smith said…
This one is exceptional. Thanks a lot for sharing with us
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