perfect recipe {clay + terra cotta}

Alright, those of you who love interior design will understand it when I say that a well designed room can really make you feel euphoric. It is the same way I feel when I perfectly execute a new or challenging entree recipe (which is rare!). And for my neutral loving side the mix of terra cotta and clay in these rooms make me feel downright giddy--then mix it in impeccable styling and euphoria sets in...

(via chicago home and gardens - interior design by arden nelson)
So what pushes your buttons?


Anonymous said…
The bookshelves push mine! If I could, bookcases would be in every room of our home. Love that first photo!! xoxo michele
Splenderosa said…
All those framed images leaning instead of hanging. Love it.
Park Interiors said…
love that combination!
Sharon Lee Johnson said…
I was looking for a recipe for actual moulding clay when I came across this post LOL. But it was a happy accident. Beautiful pictures! x Sharon
Tina said…
that couch looks soo plush and comfy. i'm dying over the colours!
I love the look of the rug in the second image as well as the pillows on the couch. This is what I need in my living room.
Unknown said…
I love the bookcases. I only wish mine were as stylish!


http://www.lovedesignbarbados.blogspot. com
Wow- those color combinations are gorgeous and inviting! I get all giddy when it comes to anything beautiful with decor. I find inspiration everywhere and love a great, chic looking chair with beautiful fabrics! Happy to find your blog. :)
Jane Flanagan said…
LOVE - and especially the bookshelves in the first image.
Sara Luxe Vida said…
The room in the first picture is amazing, has been put together wonderfully, love the magazing stacking too on the shelve. Great idea!
Natalie said…
Wandered over from a Blog of Note link (Congrats by the way!) I love that color combo as well and I'm excited to have found your blog. You have great taste! And you come from a great part of the country. I love Jackson... I grew up in Idaho Falls and went there often.
Anonymous said…
Awesome. Great ideas.
Lindsey said…
Oh that couch in the top photo makes me swoon!
Preston Reppond said…
God that rug is gorgeous. In fact, what a great compilation of furniture.
C.A. Olson said…
I love those framed images in the back! I love the use of a neutral palette and bringing in the accessories to make the room sophisticated and elegant. I will take note on this for renovating our apartment :)
Beautiful, this makes me what to buy a house and let loose all my ideas.
Vania Lorena Casasola said…
Is very inspiring to look at all the pictures, so beautifully designed.
Vania Lorena Casasola.
Excelente post,muy interesante,estare por aqui mas a menudo, gracias, muy buen Blog! the Best.

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ece said…
Both rooms look really cosy but elegant at the same time...I liked every piece but especially white chairs and the rug are amazing!
boyaci said…
Very useful information. I was very pleased. Thanks
Eva Kyte said…
Exceptional post you have done here .
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