and I am off...

Today is the day that we finally depart for our European adventure! Although our final destination is Italy we will be spending the first day in Madrid and thought it was only appropriate to share some inspiration from my favorite Spanish interior design magazine, nuevo estilo, to get me in the mood! I definitely wouldn't mind enjoying tapas in either of these dining areas...

And although I will be spending some time away from the computer (or trying) I do have some posts lined up for while I am away!


How wonderful! Have the most magnificent time, your trip sounds amazing! Love this dining room by the way xo
Logan Living said…
Your trip will be fabulous!!!!! This room is beautiful. The contrast between the light furniture and the dark accents is stunning.
have a fantastic (and safe) trip!! xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams
cookinspire said…
Wish you a safe & amazing trip, here in Europe! xoxo
Unknown said…
Oh my goodness...your trip sounds incredible- have a gorgeous time!!!
PinkCoffie said…
Oh, lucky you! The trip sounds fun, fun, fun!
Wish the weather will be on your side.
Have a super time! Xoxo

- Urska @
Claudia Fabiana said…
I love that this room is so simple, but cool and elegant. Have fun! Ciao!
MyOwnMemento said…
I love those chairs!
Couture Carrie said…
Bon Voyage, darling!
Hope your trip is spectacular!

Andrea Reh said…
Have a wonderful wonderful trip.

Andrea x
Barbara@HausDesign said…
What an awesome dining room - I love that magazine! I was just in Madrid a few weeks ago and picked up that mag along with a few others. If you have time, head to Calle de la Cava Baja for a great line up of tapas bars and lots of energetic nightlife - it is Spain at its best! Enjoy!
fluerdelyis said…
Wishing you safe passage and an amazing, enriching trip.
I am looking forward in anticipation to your trip postings and I am sure I will salivate over your trip photos.
Will you be purchasing a lovely leather pair of shoes and a handbag on your trip?
Remember that if you find a piece
of furniture that you must have - you can arrange to have it shipped to your home.
Buon viaggio!
Sheesham Furniture said…
Have a great time in europe.

Love the bookcases in that dining room by the way. Really well built and super modern. They look great with the long table.
manvi @ mochatini said…
sounds lovely. have a marvelous time.
Betty said…
It's awesome . Love this guy .
Robert Smith said…
I appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard
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