silver + mandarin

Sexy is not a word I use often, at least in terms of a color combination but I can't help but use it when describing the look of silver and mandarin together.
(via jayson home, giambattisa valli sandals, antik batik belt and Crate and Barrel print)
And how could you not feel sexy in those sandals!?


A Perfect Gray said…
a drop-dead combination, I tell you...
Gorgeous, sexy is the perfect description
i love the patterned print! xoxo jcd :: stop by im having a custom print giveaway! cornflake dreams
Kiki said…
love the colour combination and those shoes... although I think after wearing them for a while they would cut into my ankles, become painful and make me feel not so sexy..nice to look at though!
Anna @ IHOD said…
Exquisite picks! I aboslutely love the splashes of orange:)
Have a lovely week!
Unknown said…
That pillow is gorgeous!
Unknown said…
Indeed it is- love that pillow!
Mary Ann Pickett said…
This is great...feels summery to me.
Anonymous said…
i love the C & B print!
Gabriella said…
You're so right! This colour-combo is amazing!
Ambyr said…
Seriously love those sandals. They have the perfect amount of color but they're so simple... simply sexy!

The print is cool too. I love Crate and Barrel!

Tammy@InStitches said…
Love it ! and silver and mandarin sounds so much better than gray and orange.
Fashion Singapore said…
Nice color combi... :)
Callie Grayson said…
WOW, love this colour palette!
that fresh orange with the sparkle of silver very hot!
Love this combination, sexy indeed!
Claudia Lane said…
it's great an d summery :))
L said…
OMG those shoes, I love!...(and of course, for the low, low price of $900) smile has gone upside
Barbara@HausDesign said…
I am always partial to orange so I loved this post! I posted about organge and will again - stop by to take a look if you'd like!
classiq said…
The Giambattista Valli sandals are amazing!
Betty said…
This pillow looks stunning .So thanks .

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