punches of pink

Pink is a power color. There is no way to ignore the punch it adds to a room especially when added to a neutral canvas. These spaces by Jay Jeffers showcase just how a tiny touch of the color can energize a room.

(via Jay Jeffers)


Unknown said…
I love a pop of pink, the chair in the second picture is really cute
Unknown said…
Pink with wood tones and caramels. Such a great combination. Bravo et merci.
Savor Home said…
Loving that wingback chair, too!
These rooms are perfection, and I love seeing pink in spaces that aren't overly feminine...I think I could convince even my husband to go for pink used this way! ;)
Sarah Morgan said…
Such a potent combination. The pink details make the rooms come alive.
Rebecca said…
I love this look! I'll have to try it in my office, since I'm not sure my husband would be too keen on pink in any other room. Men.

Coffee & Inspiration
Naomi@DesignManifest said…
That ottoman is gorgeous! Love pink with yellow.

I just painted a pink frame around a white mirror. Was a little worried it would be too much, but I think it was just the perfect addition.


Park Interiors said…
I'm not huge into pink but I love that these rooms mix natural woods with pinks. Great pinks!
v o j a c q u e said…
what a pretty combination of colors; love the open space and wood tones.
Edwina@FASHION+ART said…
When pink goes hot I'm on board.
123Dview said…
I love the furniture! Gorgeous and chic! Nice post, check out 3D Rendering
Danish Demeanor said…

Tobe | BIA said…
amazing spaces! wish my hubs could get down with more pink :)
erika @ small shop said…
Lovely! Thanks for posting these --I really like how sooting, yet contemporary and warm and pretty these are.
Ambyr said…
The retro vibe in the first pictures furniture is so current with the pink. I'm also loveing the mixed tones of pink in the second pictures artwork and chairs.

Thanks for sharing,
Anonymous said…
Such soothing beautiful colors!
Andrea Reh said…
Ooh goodness - I'm not usually a fan of wooden ceiling beams, but the bottom picture has got me imagining escaping to a cabin in the forest in the middle of winter.

Andrea x
Callie Grayson said…
I love punches of pink in a room!!
that view in the first image, awesome!


ps I am hosting my first giveaway on my blog, come visit!!
v cute! looove the touches of pink! esp that last photo. xoxo jcd:: cornflake dreams
elissa, ebb & flow said…
you're right. a little bit of color can make such a huge difference. having a couch like that first image definitely doesn't hurt either!
designchic said…
Love Jay Jeffers, and a pop of pink...gorgeous!!
Kendall Boggs said…
I haven't been here in a while and forgot what I was missin! I love, love, love your blog! I am SO in to orange right now. Another color combo? yellow and slate, oh be still my heart!!! any tone of yellow will do!
The first picture will become my new" feel good" picture will look at it whenever I want to change my mood. Just beautiful, the dining room is also very creative. Beautiful blog
Betty said…
Very complex design . So lovely this .

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