grand {magical} entrance

It is said that "you can't judge a book by its cover" but I ask can you judge a home by it's grand entrance? All I know is that this magical Moroccan inspired entry definitely has me wanting to cross the threshold.


Rebecca said…
I think it's hard NOT to judge a house by it's entry. They say first impressions are key, and there's hardly a bigger first impression than the entry way to your house.

That Moroccan-inspired entry is breathtaking. I can't imagine having something like that myself.

Coffee & Inspiration
wowzah! these photos are STUNNING. i would love to go home to something like that :) xoxo jcd :: stop by, im hosting a custom print giveaway i think you would love! cornflake dreams
Park Interiors said…
Gorgeous! I want to tour the entire home
Anonymous said…
Beautiful! I don't even need to see the rest of the house!

Camila F.
Linda in AZ * said…
* Yeah, well, "DUH!"... ANYone in her right mind (or maybe even NOT in her right mind!) couldn't HELP but enjoy this... it's excitingly fabulous, BUT it DOES have a special "serenity" to it also!!!

"Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up now!!!"...

Thank you!
Linda in AZ *
Ann said…
Wow! what a grand entrance...
definitely promising something spectacular inside ♥
Barbara@HausDesign said…
Wow - I LOVE IT. And yes, a first impression is VERY important - this one does it perfectly!!!
christina said…
Gorgeous! Love the reflecting pools. And the lanterns. Heck. I love it all. Now I need to go sweep my front porch. My entry isn't much, but I'd better keep it looking it's best. :)
123Dview said…
Gorgeous moroccan-inspired entrance! By the way it is presented, certainly the house is well designed! Great post, check out also 3D Rendering
Andrea Reh said…
This is INCREDIBLE - more like a hotel than a home.

Andrea x
Vong Chong said…
The second picture looks more superb .

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