eye candy {morning retreat}

When I was fresh out of college my mornings were precious--I would get up early to watch the news, eat a full breakfast and have a moment of calm before a long day of work. Nowadays I am lucky if I even have enough time to turn on the coffee pot! I think that if I had this lovely sun porch in which to enjoy the morning light that perhaps I could get back to the morning routine of my early 20's.

(via world of interiors and designed by carrier and co)
I just love the tolix chairs mixed with the simple farmhouse style table and the large potted topiaries--all in all a perfect morning retreat.


Appletree said…
wow, in my early 20's I slept til the very last minute, rushed out the door, stopped at Caribou for something laden with fat and sugar and costing $4 I didn't have, and was late to work.
Love it all... So calming & gorgeous! I feel your pain! I wonder sometimes if I even brush my teeth running out of the house {shhhh}! Yes that is a perfect morning retreat!
MaryBeth said…
i too in my early 20's slept in to the last minute. now, i am blessed to have a baby that sleeps 12 hours a night so i can get plenty of sleep and enjoy my mornings. first time in my life i have ever appreciated them!

great photo pic, so serene.
Ambyr said…
This is so welcoming and relaxing. I think fresh flowers and plants always tone down the mood.

KC said…
totally the perfect morning retreat! i'm obsessed with pauchard chairs these days!
Meera @ firstsense said…
A beautiful beautiful space! A leisurely morning here would be such a DREAM!
Unknown said…
Oh how I love Tolix chairs- this space is gorgeous.
Park Interiors said…
I would love to have a relaxing breakfast here every morning. What a great way to start the day! Thanks for sharing the photo!
Tiffany @ Savor Home said…
Gosh that story and that picture reminds me of how much I miss my 20's. Now I understand what everyone meant when they would say, "Enjoy it while you can!"
Green house scenes totally get me to simmer down, and enjoy the day.

Unknown said…
If this is what greeted me every morning before I went to work, I would likely never actually get to work ;) So much loveliness.
Alex Adamson said…
Beautiful! I may have to reblog this post. I think you'd really enjoy the photographer's work I just posted on my blog (akadamson.blogspot.com)of interiors and things.

Amy said…
I love the use and look of outdoor furniture ... indoors. It's just so relaxing and beautiful, and the perfect sort of retreat.

Thanks for sharing this lovely photo!
Brooke Brown said…
id like to eat breakfast here

Andrea Reh said…
Imagine eating breakfast there every day... I can't imagine anything more blissful.

Andrea x
Couture Carrie said…
Gorgeous room and tablescape!
Love those chairs!

Renée Finberg said…
it is always fabulous what plants and trees will do for any room at all.
Callie Grayson said…
Perfect Morning Spot!
Love all the lighting filtering in.
So-zany said…
This decoration looks creative . Thanks .
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