noir + pastels

It is that time of the week when I am just wiped, thankfully the weekend is almost here. However, all I want to do at the moment is curl up into this bed among pastels and a black accent wall--a combination I never thought I would pine for in a bedroom.

(via nuevo estilo)
And even though it is freezing outside right now I wouldn't mind a bit not having a rug beneath my feet when I got up--I mean I don't think I could ever cover up such lovely chevron floors.


My House, My Garden said…
Love this! I am trying to choose between Benjamin Moore Black Bean Soup or Caviar for my powder bath's new color. They are almost black with a little bit of an eggplant tint when the light hits it right. I am now trying to think of how I can infuse something pastel into the room now? Not towels, no way. What? It's just too pretty!
Callie Grayson said…
This bedroom is stunning!
Chevron floors are my favorite, one day I will have Chevron patterned floors.
Jolie Goodnight said…
What is brilliant to me about this room is that there are actually many colors and none of them are repeated too many times. So the room feels fresh and surprisingly still coordinated.

I feel motivated now to change around some things in my bedroom.
Jackie said…
This room is absolutely stunning.
Anonymous said…
Love that black wall!! Never thought you could convince me about a black wall--no doubt....I am convinced. Beautiful!
Jess Roy said…
I never thought I would...but I am SO in love with the black wall! I'm suddenly seeing black walls everywhere - so elegant, clean, and crisp. Thanks for sharing!
Exquisite! I just love this room!
Jennifer S. said…
I am loving this room! And that tufted headboard...swoon!

Unknown said…
I am loving everything about this room!
Unknown said…
Oh my goodness- love everything! Those pink xbenches are incredible.
Sharon said…
The contrast between the two makes one stunning room!
Daily Dose Of Glitter said…
Check out and follow my blog!
cryskay said…
gorgeous bedroom. i loooove that headboard.
Couture Carrie said…
Gorgeous room!


P.S. Awarded you today on my blog!
Twenty.Something said…
Gorgeous bedroom... WOW!
Couture Carrie said…
P.S. So great to hear from you, B!
Hope all is well in your world!

Cybelle e Fabi said…
Beautiful combination!!!Modern yet classic!!!Love the blog!!!Please visit our blog

xo Cybelle & Fabi
Duchy said…
All the black accents you've had in the blog recently have been just yummy—the walls, the tubs, the draperies, everything. Black lends such elegant and levity to an interior when used judiciously and you illustrate that with the best photos. Please let us know if you'll be at NYIGF next week. We'd love to meet you and show you our new line, which yes, does carry a lot of black! xoduchy
designchic said…
Such a beautiful the tufted headboard!!
Daily Dose Of Glitter said…
Check out my blog and follow!
Julia Ryan said…
completely in love with that headboard and the x benches!
Sarah Engel said…
i'm loving the colors in this bedroom, makes me feel slightly romantic 60s style, but also contemporary and new. so pretty! said…
Hi Blair, I think I need to escape to this room NOW. Hope you had a great weekend. Simone xx
Anonymous said…
I love the table lamp!!!! kisses from Spain!!!
classiq said…
This looks so nice! I love the black wall and drapes and the hints of purple here and there.
Anonymous said…
The strong duotone setting works beautifully with the softer contrasts of the pastels. Just lovely.
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Jessica Turnbow said…
Another great post from you! Love your blog!
Im doing a giveaway, come visit my blog!
Linea R said…
a nice combination! and always hard to believe that black gives you that feeling, but I like it!
Daniella said…
Love how this seems masculine and feminine all at the same time... gorgeous!
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Marya said…
Pretty decoration . A lot of thanks for this post .
Robert Smith said…
Such a lovely bedroom! I like it so so much.
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