refreshing palette

Kelly green is a favorite of many designers as it packs a fresh bold punch to any room. I love the way the small shots of this vibrant color are the allowed to be the star of these rooms. The white, black and wood tones are the perfect background to give kelly that extra punch.


Karena said…
Oh I agree...A completely wonderful palette!

Come and enter my New Giveaway from Empress of the Eye. You will love it!

Art by Karena
Ambyr said…
The kelly green sofa is amazing. Looks great with the beams on the ceiling!
Olimpia Elide B. said…
White chairs are wonderful! I absolutely need a living room like that!
Kathysue said…
Blair this is always a fav of mine, so sharp and fresh,Kathysue
Mary said…
I love all the different textures going on in the first image. It all works so well!
Great pops of color!

Anna of Green Gable
Milk and Honey Home said…
LOVE! kelly green has always been my favorite color.
I've been wanting to inject some shots of color into my mostly-neutral palette...and these kelly green images are so inspiring with their energetic yet still tailored feel!
Ange said…
LOVE this, absolutely gorgeous!
Couture Carrie said…
Gorgeous pop of color, especially in the bedroom in the second pic!

Unknown said…
Oh wow...I agree. Nice images.
Kathy said…
Love the birdcage chairs in the 1st pic. I think that the mirror and that wonderful green velvet chaise make the bedroom in the 2nd.....K
The French Maid said…
Although I've never decorated with green, I have to say, this is lovely!
New follower via The Paris Apt!
--Lee Ann
NukiMoki said…
Lovely space with beatiful furniture and simple light fixture. Nice post, check out 3D Rendering
Rebecca Gibbs said…
So fresh! Love that little unexpeted jolt o' color! Especially love that chaise...mmmm
Misses Bee said…
I agree..loving the green
Nube said…
I love the chairs, the collection of candlesticks and this amazing green colour (too).

N. from lait-fraise
Unknown said…
I soooo want a pop of kelly green somewhere in my house. I went on a mad search for some velvet in this colour but it's really hard to find- the sofa in the second shot is AMAZING!!! Thanks for reminding me how much I want that colour!
Love that pop of emerald green -- or is it kelly green? It's beautiful!
Mapiurka said…
Blair, love your blog! Leave mine so you can see my wall decals' collection
Best regards from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Lee P'an said…
Great design by delight designer . Inspiring design and hopping everyone will design these design .
Remove White Background
Robert Smith said…
The second one is so pretty. But the first one is also nice. very creative designs.

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