home crush {a modern fairytale}

Does this home just not remind you of where a modern day fairytale would take place? It is so whimsical and welcoming. The design is so simple yet there are so many lovely details.


MrJeffery said…
so pretty. love the white.
Sarah Lynne said…
The white is amazing!
Unknown said…
Gorgeous! I love the antique furniture pieces draped in fur- so pretty and romantic.
Courtney said…
Wow - this is so gorgeous. They've used white so well, here. I love the whitewashed coffee table in the first image. That sitting room would be so fun to decorate for the holidays.
Bethany Cramer said…
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Bethany Cramer said…
Decorating with white is so dificult... but so beautiful! Thank you for sharing these photos <3
Jane Flanagan said…
Incredible - the middle photograph has stolen my heart!
Charlotta Ward said…
OMG yes yes yes to this fabulous house! Love the simplicity and that wall in the dining room is fantastic!!

Thanks for sharing!

x Charlotta
Tash said…
Such beautiful rooms!
Katriin said…
Wow, exactly like something out of the fairytale...I love that style...
C. said…
the dining table is so nice. Love your blog! ♥
Marie said…
I especially liked the first picture. The chairs are lovely :)
Ambyr said…
Such a great idea to put colored candle sticks to add some color. I like the distressed coffee table too!
designchic said…
I have a crush too...love the fur throw!!
Johanna (Paillette) said…
This looks like the inside of a dream that Goldilocks had before she set out to see the three bears.

I love how formal and rustic it is all at once.

Once upon a time....
Unknown said…
Love, love that bedroom.
classiq said…
the second photo is amazing! such style!
LindsFM said…
Oh, my. I want to live there.
Leigha said…
OMG - that dining room!
Perfection, I adore these rooms. I love the treatment they have given to the walls in the second image - adds so much interest x
RG _ into the studio said…
Hi Blair,

I love owls... West Elm has are selling some cute owls this season...! I couldn't resist to get one of their 'creatures of night'!

Nuha said…
oh yes please. I want it ALL!
HauteFashionBlog said…
Stunning! Love the bedroom looks chic but comfortabe.
Thea Beasley said…
I am new to the blogging world, and even newer to facebook, but a dear friend alerted me to your kind writing about me and my home, and I just could not, not-write, and say thank you, and how lovely, and I that am so appreciative. Wonderfully kind words and post... most heartfelt appreciation!
goldene said…
the bedroom in the last picture is simply beautiful. the simplicity of the mirror and the vintage chair add the final touch.
Jiang Li Niu said…
The last bed room picture is awesome . Glad to see this . Impressive to see .
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