the great outdoors

When you live somewhere as beautiful as Jackson it is hard not to constantly want to be out enjoying the fresh air. The sun shining this morning is leaving me hopeful that this weekend I will be able to just that! I love outdoor spaces that have been given the same design attention as any interior rooms.

I especially love the addition of unique light fixtures and defining the space with billowy curtains.

These spaces from interior designer, Kristen Hutchins, are wonderful inspiration for this look.

(images via ruthie sommers and kristen hutchins, who I recently discovered via coco+ kelley)
Hope you all have a lovely weekend enjoying the great outdoors.


What great spaces! I agree, love outdoors rooms that are treated like interiors. I did a post this week on Outbuildings that have a similar concept. Have a great weekend!
I have a spot in the back of my yard, that is just waiting for a open air pool house/tea house/tree house....

A place where the front porch gets a view from the back, with a little more privacy. Just me and the squirrels and a maybe a mouse.
Arlene Grasman said…
This is just what I need this summer!
My post on the beautiful outdoors :)
MrJeffery said…
gorgeous! that pool... swoon.
these spaces are insanely beautiful Blair. hope you have a lovely weekend!
Life,Styled said…
Oh the spaces are amazing! Love the first pic with the curtains and the chandelier! I think being outside is one of my favorite summer project is turning the shed into a workroom, get away for me complete with french doors! But I think I just might have to add some curtains too now! Hope you have a lovely weekend...outside.

Unknown said…
the first and third spaces are immediate personal favorites. thank you for sharing kristen's work with us! i hope you're able to spend as much time as you like in the great outdoors this weekend. have a good one, blair!
Milk and Honey Home said…
so dreamy....especially your last image. I want to nap on that white sofa.
Wahzat Gayle said…
UI am so inspired by the second image.
Dani @ Weddings Fresh said…
that first outdoor space is gorgeous!! have a wonderful weekend!
Anonymous said…
These are truly beautiful outdoor rooms. However, the first photo is designed by Ruthie Sommers and styled by Krista Wooten. There has been a mistake here. Kristen Hutchins was not part of the first photo.
I also love seeing outdoor spaces that have been considered just as much as inside. If only I had a deck or a porch or a terrace!

Couture Carrie said…
What gorgeous outdoor spaces, darling!
Especially loving the last one!

Blair Friedeman said…
Anonymous--thank you for letting me know. I had found the image in her press section. I will change the credit.
Stephanie said…
beautiful! love the exterior curtains!!
Shannon Fricke said…
I love the pool house... and the pool. Lovely post.
Callie Grayson said…
perfect outdoor spaces!!
I wish I could create a big outdoor space like these but my back yard is only so big.
Anonymous said…
Lovely post! I love the outdoors!
davidikus said…
This might be a bit over-decorated but it seems nice nonetheless!
Splenderosa said…
Really lovely pool house, very eclectic.
TheBeautyFile said…
Oh, these are beautiful!! I love outdoor spaces!
Melody said…
I love these outdoor space photographs! I am loving them and wishing I was lounging outside in a gorgeous space right now! great post!

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Josefa said…
The last scenery looks more natural . Very impressive to see this scene . I feel better such place .
Robert Smith said…
Nice outdoors. Really like these designs.

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