would you go charcoal?
I have to be honest, I am not a huge fan of black as the prominent color in a space. I know that it is sexy and dramatic but it just isn't my style. I came across this bedroom and surprisingly feel in love with the dark charcoal! The white bedding and ceiling really make this space one of my new favorites. I could do without the chair though...
(image via erin martin design)
Would you consider such a dark color for your bedroom?
(image via erin martin design)
Would you consider such a dark color for your bedroom?
My room is already grey, but not this dark. I would love to have it darker!!
And those 'wood slats' add texture which makes the room more cozy/rustic in a way.
Yeah, I pretty much adore this room....
charcoal, dark, lacquered navy, even black. why not?
it's just paint.
this room is beautiful, however, with the wood grain showing through the dark stain. just gorgeous.
I've gone charcoal in my living room and it made my little apt look deeper.
xx FujiFiles
Look at the lights against the wall. Cozy and sexy!
ox, Mon
// Tiina
:) Flick
i love ab chao's bedroom -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/abchao/3907228527/in/set-72157614761911158/
I'm pairing it with a lot of ivory (carpet and bedding) and our room gets a tonne of natural light during the day so I don't think it will be too overwhelming.
(I am not a fan of that chair, either. Ew).