happy first weekend of spring!

Although the official start to spring isn't until tomorrow--I have already been wearing flip flops (I will wear them the second the snow melts!) and even pulled out my pink j.crew pants yesterday (I did get a few funny looks). Just a little loveliness from studio choo to get you in the spring mood...

Have a great weekend!


Yesss! I am in a white dress today, HELLO spring!
Anonymous said…
These flowers are stunning. Also, glad to hear that you are wearing flip flops. I started wearing them as well. Unfortunately, it is snowing like crazy out right now, so sadly no flip flops today. Have a lovely weekend.
Kalei's Best Friend said…
Those raunuculuas are gorgeous....definitely spring.
Kathysue said…
Happy Spring to you, the flowers are just lovely. I bought some pink raunuculas yesterday to put on my porch, I just love Spring!!!
Marie said…
Yes happy spring! My flip flops are out and ready to be worn as well. Those flowers are just so pretty and refreshing.
Michelle Schraudner said…
So gorgeous! Happy weekend!
What a pretty spring bouquet. We're heading in to autumn here in Australia, so no spring pretties for us for a while!
Kerri x
liza said…
Happy Spring to you, too!
Bold and Beautiful said…
Those are the prettiest flowers I have ever seen, they honestly don't even look real the colors are so crazy. I wish I had flowers like that around here. Thank you for sharing...
The ranuculas ! Be still my heart !
Splenderosa said…
So so pretty. I love the springtime and all the beautiful blossoms we will be given by Mother Nature. I also love flip-flops maybe even more than Cesare Paciotti or Manolo Blahnik. And, hot pink or lime green flip-flops are my shoes of choice in summer.
xx's Marsha
_ffyona said…
What gorgeous bundle of fresh looking flowers, just perfect.
Kirsten Krason said…
Amazing arrangement!
Unknown said…
This is the day we've all been waiting for!

Gorgeous flowers, by the by. I would love some for our brunch tomorrow. Thanks for the constant inspiration!
Vær våken said…
The flowers are soooo beautiful! Wish they were here on my table!

D e g a i n e said…
what a lovely palette of colors

D e g a i n e

Jacqueline L. said…
The flowers so go with the Thread social collection
Kristin said…
rononculus! my favorite flower this time of year!!! this is a gorgeous picture. makes me very happy.
Unknown said…
It's snowing here in Korea, this is the closet image to spring I've seen yet :)
Leigha said…
Studio Choo has my heart forver! I have MANY floral crushes, but they are my floral love.

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