weekly dose {cool neutrals+chandeliers}

After a very hectic Monday, and really a busy few weeks, I find something incredibly soothing about cool neutral interiors--especially those with rustic charm and the sparkle of a chandelier.

Yes, I can already feel my headache subside. Now time to get ready for another social evening celebrating a friends 30th! Hope you had a lovely start to your week.


Unknown said…
Love these neutrals! And of course, chandeliers are my favorite! Hope you're having a great week Blair!
Mandy said…
That last room is perfection. I'm loving the black lampshade too.
Unknown said…
Oh my goodness- the chandelier in that first picture is so lovely! Thanks for sharing :)
Jane Flanagan said…
I love the last room!
autumn said…
beautiful pictures, as always.
i found myself breathing a deep sigh as i scrolled past each one.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I completely agree with you! Also love that first kitchen. Hope your work is getting better; i'm going through the same myself. Oh the stress :(
Jaclyn Ehrlich said…
loving all the pictures, I was in a similar mood today.. thnx! j
Rustic + chandeliers always does it for me! Hope you are having fun at your friend's 30th! P.S. Love your new profile pic - so PRETTY!!
There is just something SO satisfying about the first room...maybe it's the unexpected mix of white, rustic wood, crystal chandelier, & stainless steel. All I know for sure is that it comes together in a way that says pure PERFECTION.
Just stunning!
Couture Carrie said…
So gorgeous, B!
Especially loving the third space!

And btw your new profile pic is fantastic!!

Paula Grace Designs said…
These rooms are beautiful. What great choices you always make! Just the sort of posts I'd think would be perfect for Timeless Tuesday!

I'm hosting a weekly party on Tuesdays starting Feb 2nd (next week) on timeless classics (interior design, fashion, entertaining...) ~ check this post out for the details. http://paulagracedesigns.blogspot.com/2010/01/timeless-tuesday.html

I'm looking forward to having you and your readers there there!

Paula Grace ~
Donna said…
Love these images...so calming! I am doing a little giveaway over on my blog today so please come and check it out!
deliciously organized said…
I love the first one...it's gorgeous.
_ffyona said…
I just fell in love with the first chandelier!

Oh yes, i am hosting a giveaway together with cookware.com, i thought perhaps you might like to check it out too!
Christina said…
i love that last room. so beautiful.
alice said…
I adore the crystal chandelier in the otherwise modern and clean kitchen. Beautiful!
Unknown said…
oooh that kitchen is beautiful!
simplesong said…
just gorgeous -- always a sucker for pretty neutrals and these are perfect.
I love all of these images!
jen jafarzadeh said…
the floors in that first shot are so pretty. look like reclaimed wood.
Chic Coles said…
Love that first image of the kitchen! Hope you have a great night tonight!
Taylor Sterling said…
I love the kitchen! wow
Lixue Tseng said…
Gorgeous decoration . I'm impressed to see your job . Remove White background
Robert Smith said…
These look really so cool. Very nice

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