{pastel} weekend retreat

When I saw this room by Sally Steponkus I instantly feel in love with everything about it--the soft pastel color scheme, the right touch of symmetry, oddly proportioned and well styled fireplace and not to mention my new dream coffee table!

I think this would be the perfect space to recoup from what has been a very stressful and crazy week! What are you all up to this weekend? I think I am going to lay low and work on the much overdue task of making my Christmas cards!


Full House said…
Love it...very calm space. Good luck with the Christmas cards. Jackson Hole is where I wish I were @ to do mine:-)
Anonymous said…
I would love to curly up on that couch and read a good book. This weekend I will be finishing up on my Christmas decorating and getting together with my girlfriends to bake Christmas goodies.

Have a great weekend, Blair!
PS~Erin said…
Love the mirrors flanking the fireplace. I'm such a sucker for symmetry.
Amanda said…
It's so warm and cheery- Love.
Southern Aspirations said…
ooh love the coffee table too! And the mirrors. GREAT room.
Courtney said…
Love this space and yes, indeed, that fireplace is quite oddly proportioned (however they make it work so well in this room)! This palette is lovely (and far too girly for my bf to ever sign off on). A girl can dream, can't she?

Have a fantastic work, my dear: best of luck with the ambitious task of making your own cards. I'm working and celebrating Christmas at my team Christmas party. Should be fun.

It's a lovely room, Blair. Thanks for sharing. This man, for one, would have no problem signing off on it. Have a great weekend, everyone! :-)

Nicole Marie said…
so clutter free. love it
I'm in love with those mirrors! I'm looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend. We'll see if the toddler allows that. Ah ha
Unknown said…
Beautiful! I have a similar lay out only two small windows on either side of the fireplace that I have contemplated covering a million times. Mirrors might be the answer!
deliciously organized said…
Just beautiful and so inviting. I also need to get on my Christmas cards! Yikes!
that fireplace. I love it. its so heavy against the tiny room. its perfect!
Kristin said…
I'm supposed to be doing cards right now too, but instead I am looking at blogs.
Fabulous Finds Gal said…
Love the soft colors, coffee table and those mirrors. That would be a nice place to do my holiday cards as well. Good luck!

Fabulous Finds Gal
ps. I just added you to my blogroll. Cheers!
Oh wow I love these!
Happy Sunday!
Don't miss a gorgeous Christmas giveaway next week on Sweet as a Candy!
_ffyona said…
Whoa you are so right. I like the soft pastel color, it just feel so serene and peaceful. Everything is so in proportion. Lovely!
Design Esquire said…
I LOVE it. I'm in the process of re-doing my living room and this could have been my inspirational photo. I'm not done yet, but that is the exact look I'm going for. Thanks for the post, I'm saving it in my favorites file!
Annie Pazoo said…
Holy cr*p I LOVE every room Sally designs. The only change I'd make in the living room would be to hang the two mirrors higher or to switch out the mantel for something taller. The room is gosh-darn beautiful.
Such pretty colors, a nice change of pace and a balance between modern and traditional!
Tammana said…
Glad to see you exceptional decoration . Like you decoration . Remove White background

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