a very welcome weekend

Sorry that I have been a bit absent the past few days. In addition to being under the weather (-10 to -20 temperatures in the morning will do that) I had an event last night--that although incredibly fun definitely drained the energy I had left in me. So I am more than ready for the weekend and the lovely entry doors to these rooms seemed like the perfect way to welcome it...

And not only are these stained glass doors lovely but they are also pocket doors! And how sweet is that westie vase on such a well styled table!?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


cassandra said…
blair, you are amazing at hunting down the eye candy. seriously - this space is gorgeous!! loving that westie too!!
No need to apologize. Sorry you're not feeling well, but glad you had an enjoyable event.

Wishing you the best possible weekend. :-)

Abbie said…
I am very much over these negative temps. It's doing nothing for my mood! Love those pocket doors. They're so ornate for something that can just slide out of sight!
those pocket doors are so gorgeous! love the sofa too! have a lovely weekend, relax and enjoy, Blair! xo
Unknown said…
A wonderful weekend to you as well! Feel better.
Unknown said…
oh the doors in that first shot ...AMAZING.
Anonymous said…
What gorgeous rooms! Cassandra is right, you are amazing at finding the most beautiful spaces.

Have a great weekend!
Melissa Blake said…
Oh, tell me about cold temps! I'm going to stay home this weekend wrapped in a blanket!
Angela said…
Ohmigosh, i want to redecorate my house now.
I love the dramatic impact created by either one huge painting/photograph, or dozens of tiny ones. The little pictures in the first photo appear to be individually framed - must have taken some time! I wonder if they were all done at once to create an immediate effect, or whether we're looking at the result of years of collecting? Either way, they look great!
Couture Carrie said…
Loving that second space so!
Hope you feel better, darling B!

Chic Coles said…
How cute! We have a westy named Wellington and my mom would love to have that vase to put on her table. I also love the high ceilings in both of the pictures. Hope you have a great weekend!
Courtney said…
Have a fantastic, relaxing, weekend Blair!

What a beautiful collection of shots. (I, too, adore that westie vase: adorable).
Unknown said…
Love the art shelves! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and take a much deserved rest!

beachvintage.com said…
Loving the high ceilings, hope you have a great weekend.
Callie Grayson said…
Blair, hope your weekend is relaxing!!
I really love that Eileen Gray sofa bed!! one of my favorites!

rest up my friend:)
Anonymous said…
What an amazing idea! Those doors are gorgeous and who would have ever thought of that? I know not me! The westie is also adorable!
escapade said…
Oh lovely - stained glass + sleek little pocket doors, amazing!
I think these are the coolest doors I've ever seen! Love them!
Splendid Willow said…
Look at that photo display in the background. How absolutely cool is that! And the doors. And everything in image no. 2! I just found your blog this morning, and I got to say Blair that you have such an incredible eye for design. I am now a follower! Happy day. OX Monika
seesaw said…
loving the photo display as well.
Bertha J. English said…
The second picture interior design are very pretty . Remove White background

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