kate spade {photo wall}

One of the many reasons that I love blogging is that I am able to find such satisfaction in strolling through stores simply to find inspiration. One of my first stops after to coming home to Chicago was Oak Street-- I was on complete visual overload and found many things to covet but one of the things I loved the most (just after a stunning ruby red zac posen dress at Barneys) was the beautiful wall in the Kate Spade store.

So I of course decided to document it with my i phone. Such a well arranged collection of items and unique styles.

I especially love the pink ampersand, adorable necklace decked owl and the beautiful peony photo. Click here for picture hanging hardware.


Jill GG said…
ohhhh... this is such great inspiration!
Laura Trevey said…
what a fabulous arrangement!!!
so colorful and bright ~~

Creategirl said…
WOW I love this! So beautiful and I bet every piece has its own story! I too love the ampersand in that bright pink!
I love the ampersand too. Her stores are always so incredible. I loved the store featured in Lonny.
you are so smart. i would have LOVED to walk into this store too.

vmichelle said…
I'd like to be bold enough to try this in my house. Just need to find the right spot.
grant + brittany said…
hope this doesn't bother you, but i really really love your layout.... how did you do it or where did you get it???
Design Babylon said…
kate spade can do no wrong in my book! Love her whimsical spirit!
Brown Button Trading said…
wow! thank you so much for sharing. this is just exquisite. Much needed inspiration for when I finally get my stuff framed and hung.

Have a beautiful Christmas bella xx
This is really a beautiful inspiration!
happy new week :)
Southern Aspirations said…
Love this wall! It is colorful and fun but yet goes together so well- looks very cohesive. The ampersand may be my favorite!!
Anonymous said…
This wall is fantastic. The colors, although all different, just work! Hope you enjoy your holidays!
MrJeffery said…
thanks for sharing. good inspiration!
Oh I love it! Just so happens to be one of my FAV things right now! Nice collection.
pretty young things said…
oh, i'm so in love with this! trying to accomplish something similar over my desk, but just not getting the same symmetry. fantastic!
I ADORREE Kate Spade. And are those Penguin books in one of the bottom left frames? Adoreable
Betty said…
Always i like and admire your post . Reason your posts are always nice . Remove White background
Robert Smith said…
I am loving this photo wall so much. Really so beautiful.
Raster To vector

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