Have a Glamorous + Joyous New Year!

I cannot believe that 2009 is coming to an end and that I actually made strides towards two of my three resolutions (I didn' cut back on my coffee intake--opps)! Thank you to all delight by design readers and fellow bloggers for making 2009 such a wonderful and exciting year. I cannot wait to see what 2010 brings!

(images via style and substance, sunday suppers, christine rudolph and scanned from January issue of vogue)
Wishing you all a very glamorous an joyous new year!


Francine Gardner said…
How glamorous!! love it.
Happy New Year
TheBeautyFile said…
Happy happy new year, Blair!!
Anonymous said…
From one blogger to another have a happy, safe, and prosperous new year!
In Honor Of Design said…
Cheers to a great year!
May 2010 be Blessed for you!
:) Anna
paula said…
have a fabulous new years!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year to you too, Blair! And a BIG congrats on your last year's resolutions - 2 out of 3 is great.

Hope you had a great year and you have inspired me in more ways then one.

Same to you, Blair! See you in 2010!
Daniella said…
Have a wonderful New Years Blair! So happy to have "met" you through blogging this year! Keep up the always fabulous posts in 2010!!
Courtney said…
Oh Blair, how your posts make me smile every day.

Wishing you all the glamour and joy [+ bubbly] 2010 can possibly bring. I look forward to see where delight by design takes you next.

hugs + cheers.

liza said…
Happy New Year, Blair!
So glad I got to "know" you this year Blair! Thanks for all the inspiration your provided us with in 2009!

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said…
Have a fabulous new year Blair, I have really enjoyed your blog, thanks for sharing such great inspiration! Bring on 2010.
Pink Wallpaper said…
happy new year blair!
nevin said…
Have a fabulous New Year! All the best..
I just found your blog and I love everything about it. Great look, great subjects and great interpretations. So glad I found you.
Christina said…
happy new year blair!
A las Mil Maravillas said…
Hi blair! Happy 2010!
Visit my blog at www.alasmilmaravillas.blogspot.com
I think you may like it. It`s a delightful argentinian blog!
Paula Grace Designs said…
Thanks for a wonderful year! Looking forward to reading your blog in 2010!
Paula Grace
Callie Grayson said…
WIshing you a wonderful 2010!
Devon said…
Thanks for a great 2009 blog read! Happy New Year to you!
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