pretty in peach

Pastels for fall? Yes, indeed. Peach is the perfect warm and luxurious alternative to the traditional pastel shades of summer.

(via j.crew designer gallery, coco+kelley, donna karan + cynthia warren)
Do you have a favorite fall pastel?


Farfallina said…
Such a pretty color... and I LOVE that Donna Karan dress!
bananas. said…
i am not a pastel lover but i will admit peach is pretty :)
Unknown said…
I love the peach colour, has a vintage fell to it, Especially loving the bag! Have a sweet day! x
I think your pick of peach is as good as any other.
Anonymous said…
Wow! Do I ever want that bag. It's amazing and going on my Christmas list. As for my favourite pastel: I do love peach, but I always seem to favour yellow. said…
I just purchased some peach headbands today actually. I love the colour.
Chic Coles said…
How beautiful and soft. You are just the best at showing fashion translated into interiors. Thank you so much.
Romantic Pansy said…
i love that color!!! its very romantic!!

there is a raffle in my blog, maybe you wanna take part in it!!! I am a Spanish fashion designer, now living in NY, selling my stuff in Manhattan! I hope you like it!

thank you!!! :D
Daniella said…
That bag is from J.Crew??? What! Where?
Blair Friedeman said…
Well, you can but at It is in their designer gallery
In Honor Of Design said…
gorgeous photos and items!!
Diane James Home said…
Gorgeous post and love the color peach - it goes so well with fall hues. I also love icy blue in winter...
Padgett Hoke said…
thats a jcrew bag... whaa? it is so darn cute! yes - you must try salt + carmel + apple = delicious!
Couture Carrie said…
Gorgeous post, darling B!
Love that Donna Karan dress so!
Pastels are perfect for autumn :)

Anne @ The City Sage said…
(mops pool of drool from computer keyboard)

Favourite fall pastel? Hrm, that's a good question! I'm digging a sort of plummy mauve lately, but my love for that hue isn't limited to the seasons. And does grey count as a pastel?

Sounds like I need some peach in my life to shake things up a bit!

Though I've decided we should also declare pink a fall pastel too!
paula said…
so pretty. love the image with the peach flowy curtains, gorgeous.
I love peach! Not a pastel, but adore scarlet, amber, and burgundy too!
Megan said…
I have a lot of pastel in my closet, I love that you've given me some ideas to think about mixing them into the next season.
Betty G. Green said…
This first bag photo more nice from other . Remove White Background

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