bold + glamorous

I was going through back issues of Canadian House and Home and was reminded of my love of this space that was featured in a recent issue. This glamorous dwelling is only 500 sq feet but the colors and textures sure make a bold statement!
Which (as I can't help myself from doing) made me think that a similar look would do the same for my closet--when incorporated all in to one sequined adorned dress or when each color and style element is pulled out individually.


The Famous Home said…
Absolutely love that condo/apartment! I have the page dog eared in that issue! The article mentions that they've featured her previous home... would love to see it.
You do have a brilliant way of deconstructing the view of a room, and translate it to the best dressed.

Be well. Live swell.
Anonymous said…
That little space is what I'm now in love with... wow!! wow!! what an eye for detail. Love the colours... love the beauty!!
Courtney said…
That room is gorgeous - what a great use of colour? The pieces you've chosen here are equally lovely. Especially that dress and those louboutin's...
Farfallina said…
Love the outfit! The colors and fabrics are just stunning... Well done!
Couture Carrie said…
This post just rocked my world, B! Love the rug in the first pic, and am totally smitten with the entire collage, particularly the Loubs and that fabulous Tibi dress!

paula said…
If only I could be so bold...
Bravo! You are so amazing at this! It all looks so beautiful! I want to snatch up one of everything!
That's a juju hat in the background (the white feather thing). I've been craving one forever!

On a side note, LOVING the white flower headband!
Maria Johns said…
Just saw that necklace on banana republic and died, love it!!! Great room too
Chic Coles said…
You are just the best at this! What style you have .Love the room and the outfit. And those shoe!
Apt. #34 said…
That room is TDF. It's a girls dream! Don't know if I could convince the fiance to go in that direction
Christina said…
that head band is so sweet and i adore the bold details in that room!
Courtney said…
I love that room, and your outfit is fantastic! That dress is too much fun, and the necklace and headband are beautiful.
How do you do that...take a beautiful room & then find a coordinating outfit. I love it!
simplesong said…
love the room + love the outfit. so fun.
The Uppity Puppy said…
The dress makes me think of New Years! Lovelovelove!
Randi C. Lirette said…
Looking spanking guy . Like these a lot . Remove White background

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