fall fashion trend {cuffed jean shorts}

I have to say that I have not worn jean shorts since high school and this year they definitely re-emerged as a fashionable choice. It seems this trend is continuing in to the fall, especially when they are cuffed.

(via garance dore, calypso celle and j.crew)
What are your thoughts on this trend continuing into the fall?


simplesong said…
hmm....looks cute in these images but not sure about it 'real-life' or if i could pull it off. i think i could pass on this trend! :)
Katie said…
These are such great pieces! JCrew really knows their stuff :)
Cathi said…
love the look! But I've always been a jeans gal!
Anonymous said…
Love these looks Blair. If only I could get brave enough to wear jean shorts now...
Haven and Home said…
I just don't know if I could pull them off but these pictures are cute.
Anonymous said…
I see a lot of girls doing it here in Chicago, I think it's cute as long as they're long enough. I'm not a fan of jean "booty" shorts! :)
iva yaneva said…
I really love these! but it is so cold here right now that I am not sure if I could wear them this fall :)
I really love these looks, oh yes, I could wear them this fall with a pair of leather boots!
Tammy@InStitches said…
hmmm, I have a pair but they are so old that they're high waisted. Remember those ?
PS~Erin said…
I really love them. I totally can't do them though.
paula said…
I saw some that I loved, but then felt too old to actually pull it off:(
bananas. said…
i love this look to pieces. i just haven't found the right pair.
Ann said…
I love cuffed jean shorts... not only are they comfortable but they also look oh so sexy.
Jill GG said…
I love them! I'm not a huge "shorts" person, but def a jeans person... I have a pair with blown out knees that are going to be turned into shorts very soon!
Amanda said…
Love it with tights and a blazer, a la the J.Crew example!
Couture Carrie said…
This is one of those trends I just can't get on board with... just looks too sloppy or something; I'd rather see skinny jeans with these fab tops!

Anonymous said…
I love the new trend! It is so simple to wear!

megan and melissa said…
I think it would all depend on how the outfit was put together. These are really cute pictures though. I am obsessed with everything that JCrew does...Hope you are having a good week.
beachvintage.com said…
Absolutely loving it, I mostly live in jeans so this is great news.
Christina said…
i like the look...don't know if i could pull them off over tights, but i think i want to try!
Courtney said…
Hey Blair,

The blog looks lovely.

I love this look; however, I can never pull off the "glam cut off's" look... nor do I think I could pull off the tights under shorts look. [I think I'll leave that look in my elementary school years and not attempt it again].

Can't wait to catch up with your blog.


Geisslein said…
love these pictures and this style! hope you will have a lovely day today! greetings from germany, geisslein
Lindsay said…
Their fashion and styles are unique from each other . Remove White background

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