eat-in {country} kitchen

Ah, yes my little obsession with eat in kitchens continues. But this time it is not the sleek modern kitchens of luxurious urban dwellings but rather the charming and warm country version.

(via m group, elle interior, julian wass, and candian house and home)


Cathi said…
Wow...I'll take all of them...I love casual,comfy kitchens and these fit the bill!
liza said…
Beautiful kitchens! But I'm having trouble taking my eyes off those perfect windows in the first picture! Wow.
Anonymous said…
Oh wow... the kitchens & tables look super casual & comfy... like anyone could sit there and enjoy their breakfast...
red ticking said…
LOVE eat in kitchens... fabulous post... x pam
Courtney said…
I love the warm country charm paired with the gorgeous chandelier in the last photo. said…
Yes, the eat in country kitchen has my heart...
Design Esquire said…
I love the second picture. It is just perfect.
paula said…
the first and last image is exactly what I have in mind for my "one day" house.
I love the second picture and the last. The natural light coming into that room is perfect. It just feels so most country homes look :)
Haven and Home said…
I need a new kitchen ASAP. Love the last picture!
inkWELL Press said…
Oh, that first kitchen... **swoon**
Brown Button Trading said…
Eat in kitchens are my all time fav. One day..... my current kitchen is lucky enough to give me enough room to stand in!? x
PS~Erin said…
I always love your kitchen posts! I'm so with you on this!
oooh that bottom photo is my favorite!
Kevin W. Salazar said…
Feeling satisfies after seeing your works . remove white background
Robert Smith said…
Excellent and superb post

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