cheap(er) chic home solution: curtain call

Do you have a rental that you aren't allowed to paint, trying to compartmentalize the spaces in a loft or just looking for a fun and cheap way to brighten up your room but not ready to commit to that pomegranate red just yet? Curtains used in an unconventional are a great way to achieve all these goals. They can separate rooms effortlessly and are such a fun and whimsical wall treatment!

(cote de maison, lofts & condos, vogue living via brown button, apartment therapy and vogue living via brown button)
Would you consider or have you used curtains in your home for purposes other than window dressing?


bananas. said…
ooh! me likey the striped curtains. and the last room is superb. i did something like that in my bedroom.
megan and melissa said…
I love this idea...I usually wouldn't lean towards curtains but if they looked the way they do in these pictures...then I sure would!
Fashion Addict said…
Yes curtains are always a good idea when you have restrictions. Great post.

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Mademoiselle Deva said…
I love the 4th pic! but I'm white interior addicted! All of them show great solution for that kind of apartments.
Rachel Follett said…
Great examples! I love using curtains to add color to a space!
Absolutely! I especially like the white separating the bed.
oh no, I'm afraid I couldn't use curtains to separate rooms. I have 2 boys! do you know what do restless boys do with your decoration? lol!
Two Tall Girls said…
I've considered it many times for a sink area attached to my master bedroom. What I'd really like to do is relocate the sink but until then, a curtain would help tremendously I think.

The Blushing Hostess said…
We have had to do this in a corner of the kitchen. I hate it. Prefer doors but it is only for now. Your options make it seem more palatable...
Anne @ The City Sage said…
Love love love those striped ones! My kitchen is in desperate need of some window treatments--I'm thinking striped roman shades...something simple that will still provide a bit of pattern and texture.
Rachel said…
Really liking the curtains behind the bed idea!!
Christina said…
i definitely like the idea of using a curtain as a partition for a bed, it's kind of romantic.
PS~Erin said…
This is a cool idea. I love that last room.
Nicole Marie said…
i wish i had a little nook i could enclose with gorgeous curtains for an adorable little private cove
I love that curtain enclosing the bed. So fab!
Ruby Fullerton said…
All of these are looking perfection . remove white background

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