common thread: lovely light fixture

In looking for your interior design style it is said that you should start by collecting clippings of rooms that you love and then look back though all of them to find the common thread. Today I found that to be incredibly true when I saved away three lovely dining rooms and realized that that each of the, although quite different in overall style, featured a very similar Fortuny (i think!) light fixture.

And I also happen to love that each dining room features unique chairs--especially smitten with the blue and cream ones. Do you have common theme that you find in the clippings you save?


Anonymous said…
I love those light fixtures, I think I like the first one the best.
Blair Friedeman said…
That is my favorite too! I love how delicate it looks.
Melissa said…
That is such a pretty fixture, I love the blue one. My common theme is aqua blue :)
Christina said…
wow, that is certainly a common thread. i'm not sure i have such a specific similar element in my favorite room but i'll have to pay closer attention.
Now that is a gorgeous fixture!.. Very unique.. I would definitely buy one like that!.
Rachel said…
This is lovely! I notice that any room with grey in it catches my eye. I'm going to see if a certain piece keeps popping up though!
Miss | A said…
pretty pretty and i love the SIZE of that room too! so nice.
I have so many common themes that i'm beginning to think I never actually have an original thought! But it's also nice knowing that at least I'm consistent ;)

Some themes:
the color grey
clean white kitchens
soft linens stacked in piles
the list goes on and on!
Waxy said…
Those are cool - I like the blue one best - it looks like more of a modern twist on it
I love these photos. I will have to go back through all my clippings and see if there is a theme. Right now I think the theme is alot of white with some funky accessories. Thanks for sharing these.
Same New Story said…
oh my heart swoons for that second dining room!
***also- come pick up your award at my blog!
Callie Grayson said…
hmmm, I have so many clippings and magazines that I have saved over the years.....
simple colour paletts, colour palettes (i am all over the board here)
organized kitchens
white bed linens
modern chairs
slip covered sofa's
and on and on
christina said…
Wow! Love that light fixture. And all three rooms are great. I'll have to re-examine my clippings for a common thread. I wonder what I'll find!
Anonymous said…
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Courtney said…
That is a beautiful fixture, and I love that the blue in the second room feels rather unexpected.
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