wednesday inspiration [lynsey fryers]

I don't know about you but I am definitely in the need of some mid week inspiration. And I found it ( lots of it!) in the portfolio of stylist Lynsey Fryers. Starting with one very cool idea for an inspiration board.

I just love the visual effect of posting fabric swatches and inspiring images over a pattern on the wall. Almost looks like the inspiration grew from the leaves. The colors in this photo also just inspired my next installment of cheap(er) chic! Her portfolio also contains some beautiful florals:

And lastly, it features some truly lovely color combinations (including one of my current favorites-rasberry and blue):

What do you do when you feel uninspired?


Joslyn said…
oooh lovely...i'm dying over that inspiration board. top three things i do with i'm not inspired:
1. listen to great music
2. cook or read (i guess that's two)
3. go outside!
Anonymous said…
How DO you find them? Honestly, you are the best at sniffing out the hottest photographers and stylists, Blair!

When I'm feeling uninspired? Well, first I mope around a lot and get all crabby towards the people around me. Then I watch TV and laze around a bit. None of this really helps though! Then I get my butt off the couch and explore a place I've never been to--it could be heading to a new part of town, going for a bike ride on a route I haven't taken...just getting out and seeing new things seems to energize me and make me want to channel that into my work!
Unknown said…
there's too much to comment on here. i've lost track.

raspberry and blue = awesome combo. why have i never thought of it before!? i LOVE that top photo. i LOVE the bottom photo. and the second-from-bottom photo. and the vase photo. and every other photo.

fantastic! so pretty. mm.
Couture Carrie said…
Love all these photos! The spaces are serene and whimsical at the same time. And how cool is that green phone in the first pic?

When I am feeling uninspired, I ususally have a cup of green tea and peruse fab blogs like yours, B!

Christina said…
great photos blair. raspberry and blue- i like it.
Rachel Follett said…
What a great find! I also love the idea of adding clips of inspiration along a leafy decal or paint on the wall! So beautiful I just cant get over it!
Blair Friedeman said…
Anne-thank you! I always wonder how YOU do it!? Love the was you described your uninspired process!
Unknown said…
These are such pretty photos Blair! I love the snap dragons in the teacup the most I think. And of course all the rasberry looks just yummy. I sometimes go back through old notebooks when I feel blocked--it reminds me of projects I forgot about and sometimes it sparks something. I also like to work in the garden or go walking at the beach. When I get outside it usually helps.
Anonymous said…
ooh, thanks for these. i've bookmarked these images ... as they're perfect inspiration for photos i need to take of some new products.

as for my inspiration? lately i'm need a lot of it! usually i'll go through old magazines or take a little walk to remind me of simple, pretty things around me ... or visit lovely blogs like yours!
alissa said…
love that yellow flower arrangement! i think i look for unexpected things. like just take a regular object/view/color and see what i can take from that.
christina said…
You are truly amazing, Blair. I love all the stuff you've been showing lately.

And when I'm uninspired? Well, Anne took the words out of my mouth. Except she said it better. I basically pout for a while, watch a bunch of TV, sulk, subject others to my bad mood. Then I eventually do something this time, I took a cooking class and I'm totally invigorated. Just re-visiting something I've forgotten about (like in this case, cooking) helps me refocus and see things more clearly.

Sorry for the novel, but I've been suffering from a bout of uninspiration lately. :)
Anonymous said…
These are such gorgeous colour combinations - thanks for sharing!
Biba said…
Such pretty photos! Just discovered your blog, i rely on being inspired - so much inspires me. When i feel uninspired... i get crabby, have a cat nap then browse my fave blogs :)
Dallas Shaw said…
h the green chair, the green phone...
please sir said…
Oh such great interiors and photo styling ideas!
Courtney said…
How lovely.

When I feel uninspired I begin to search for new pieces of inspiration that I can add to my ever-growing board. [Currently, it's an envelope of images, swatches, etc. that I will add to the board once I unpack it]!

I enjoy finding new colour cobinations, patterns, and textures, although in most cases I don't know where or how I can use them right away.

Your blog is so great for inspiration.
Julia said…
These are perfect! I love the sets of images at the bottom!
Lindsey said…
When I feel uninspired, I get online and read blogs from creative people like yourself, window(screen) shop on Etsy, and try to remember that my creativity is a gift of which I need to be a good steward and not neglect.
Unknown said…
What beautiful stationary sets, I want to write someone a letter! -e
Shanta said…
All are wonderful here . So like these . Cut Out Image
Clipping path said…

Awesome! We’re looking forward your blog

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