desk job calls!

(via warren smith)
Ok, well I thought I would be able to sneak in a proper post before I had to head off to this workshop for non-profits that I am attending on "surviving tough economic times" (I am the Director of Development and Communications of a land conservation organization--can't remember if I have said that before) but unfortunately the morning has run away from me. I promise to be back this evening! Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

Oh, and speaking of work, I have a new dream job--the Creative Director for Kate Spade. Mostly because I think that their new creative director, Deborah Loyd, is one of the most stylish people out there! If you haven't seen the spread in Harper's Bazar featuring her you can check out the photos here. So, what is your dream job?


paula said…
your job seems pretty neat and I would love that little office nook.
Couture Carrie said…
That IS a dream job!

And in answer to your query, I find most of my pics on and, but of course I love shopping sites too. Thanks for your sweet compliment!

Anonymous said…
That is the desk of my dreams. As for my "dream" job, it's a little weird. I want to go to work in my pajamas. Blame it on the film "Romancing the Stone." :)
Melkorka said…
my dream job would be owning a prop warehouse - imagine being able to shop for things and not have to worry whether on not you actually need them... - 'you can just say oh this fabulous couch? we need it for the business!'
Joyce said…
Have a great day at your workshop!
dream job? doing what i'm doing--but making a lot more money at it!
Anonymous said…
Having a antique store! Goodluck on your Workshop.
Blair Friedeman said…
Oh, so fun to hear about all your dream jobs and jealous for those of you who have yours!:) I love my job but am just itching to do something more creative lately.
Anonymous said…
Wow Blair--your 'real' job sounds very serious and important!

But your dream job sounds...well, dreamy! Mine? Magazine editor, for sure! If I had a dollar for every magazine job I've applied for in recent years, I'd be a very rich woman indeed!
Callie Grayson said…
hope your workshop was fun and inspiring:)
Anonymous said…
Oooh, that is a dream job! Love the photos. I did development/event planning for years for a performing arts center ... i always say devo is one of the hardest jobs out there!

luckily for me ... i am now doing my dream job.
Blair Friedeman said…
Thank you! Yes, it is definitely a challenge (but very rewarding!)-especially right now!

Anne, you would be an amazing magazine editor!!
Phyllis F. Block said…
This is an excellent post a lot of thanks for shared . Cut Out Image

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