a bright white day...

(via tom leighton)
I was planning on posting some bold colors to start of the week (was thinking teal or perhaps fuchsia) but I just kept coming across lovely white spaces in my search for color inspiration, all of which proved that white is anything but boring.

(via tom leighton)

(via skona hem)

(via john bressler)

(via john bressler)

(via jeremy samuelson)

( via Hallie Burton)


Anonymous said…
Beautiful! Especially the two by John Bressler and the Skona Hem kitchen with the cushion seats.
Hope it has stopped snowing!
wow, what amazing spaces!! the first two are by tom leighton (i only know it as i have it saved too ;) is that called "great minds think alike?" :)
omg, Blair! Who can say white is boring? These spaces are absolutely dreamy!
Have a lovely Monday, darling!
please sir said…
Oh I love these clean whites - great way to start the week - nice and pure!
Unknown said…
I'm in love with all things white. Great pictures!
inkWELL Press said…
Oh that open kitchen area is soooo fabulous. Want it.
Joyce said…
I love all the white and the kitchen too!

Your indoor white matches my outdoor white post. lol...

Have a golden day! xoxo
Beautiful! I've been itching for an all white room lately and this is great inspiration. Ah good start to ease into the week.
Couture Carrie said…
Wow! these spaces are so serene and perfect!

Heidi said…
No need to post bold colors. White is one of my favorites. However, it does keep snowing in Colorado and I am ready for spring, so I suppose some brighter colors would be nice. Happy Monday!
tanya said…
this is just stunning--looking at these images calms me down right away. I wish I had a room that looked like this!
Christina said…
these spaces are anything but boring. why is it that every time i see a white room i think dirt? does that say something about me? hmmm.
Blair Friedeman said…
Christina, love that you think that! With two black dogs I should be thinking the same thing but oddly I don't--hmm..
Julia said…
I always love a bright white interior :) You found some beauties!
These are my dream rooms! It's too bad I have 3 sets of paws that would be walking all over everything:)
Jill GG said…
I just never get tired of an all white room... I love those "pooling" draperies in the third picture down! Looks cozy and chic!
Full House said…
I'm obsessed with white so I really enjoyed this post.


Padgett Hoke said…
What is it about chandeliers, curtains that gather on wood floor and mirrored cabinets that just makes a room look so elegant? I love these photos...
Daniella said…
Looooooove white! Such a pretty post!
PS~Erin said…
I'll take that kitchen and the floors in the following picture, and go ahead and throw in that mirrored chest in the next picture! So pretty!
Rachel Follett said…
Oh yes not boring at all! I love that chair in that first photo and those drapes that billow at the bottom is so gorgeous!
Holly said…
so lovely! i adore white interiors, but i don't think i could handle it for my own home because i just love color too!
I love them all. These rooms are like a little slice of heaven. I wish I had a room like this in my house. I think that I would never suffer from writer's block in a room as light, airy, and free as these ones! :)
I'm usually a big color girl, but these are great.

Oh, and I do want to show my style but it's hard narrowing it down. Will do it soon though, thanks for the tag.
alissa said…
i love white! that kitchen is amaaaazing
Callie Grayson said…
beautiful and simple and completely cosy!
Unknown said…
I love love love these--that Hollywood Regency one is tucked into my design files someplace. White is so beautiful when it's done right. Thanks for this post!
Melissa said…
These spaces are beautiful,I love white. It's so simple and peaceful :)
Unknown said…
love the white floors...what am I saying love everything white...!!! one day I will have everything white again..(once my kids are old enough..)
viva b. said…
love the pendant in the first photo...
Unknown said…
these are stunning. STUNNING.
All of these are looking gorgeous , thanks . Cut Out Image

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