move over rolodex!

I have always had an odd infatuation with the Rolodex--all those names and numbers physically at your fingertips versus in an electronic device is just so appealing to me. Oddly, I have never had one but this alternative method is definitely going up in my office.

(via country home)
Just organize the cards in whatever way you see fit and clip them. Also one more item to get off your desk! Now I just need to start collecting the cards.


paula said…
I too love this. So simple.
Miss | A said…
brilliant. I will be doing this as all my b cards from people are messy in my top desk drawer and need to be organized!
summer said…
i agree- this is genius!
love the straight & simple look, and it's cute at the same time!
Anonymous said…
Oh, this is too neat! & I imagine would be pretty easy to DIY.
Joslyn said…
oh this is very cool!
Rachel said…
So genius! And a million times cooler than a rolodex.
Courtney said…
No clutter here! I love this idea. I have been dreaming about a wall of clipboards with different papers cliped to them but this idea is so much easier. It would be the perfect way of organizing cards and I'd love to put one together, too, once my office is up and running.
Anonymous said…
Very cool idea!
PS~Erin said…
This is so cool. I saw a similar idea with bulldog clips across molding to display children's art work, but I havn't been able to find the right clips. I could definitely find these! Very function and totally neat looking!
c said…
love it. what a great look! using jars to store all those random rubberbands etc...genius!
Callie Grayson said…
funny! I do this when working on a project, I use white out on the top of the binder clip and write the project info. When the project is complete I place in the project files.

But I also have a rolodex, must have for every day contacts.
Nina W. Tidd said…
You are weldone guy for this post here . Cut Out Image

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