heat wave?

As much as I love all of this snow, I can't help but dream about being somewhere warm where I could wear this outfit--even if just to carry this clutch!

(dress from ru du mail, clutch from stella mccartney, isharya cuff)


Anonymous said…
I'll take one of each please!
Girly-Girl said…
I want that dress and I want that clutch...ASAP. :)
Callie Grayson said…
oh, i will take that clutch!!! so cute!
Two Tall Girls said…
Blair, you have impeccable taste! I need you as my stylist.
Rachel said…
Oh, that dress! It's so warm and bright. I want to be wearing it right now.
Courtney said…
Love love love love love. I'll take it all!
This dress looks excellent . I will gift such ncie dress my fiance . Cut Out Image

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