france calling: sylvie becquet

These photos from the french photographer, sylvie becquet, just made me smile.

Aren't those the most adorable dogs? Not sure how the white ones are so clean!


Anonymous said…
makes me want to pick wildflowers in the French countryside. Great pics!!!
C'est la Vie said…
those white dogs are so strange looking!!!
Girly-Girl said…
They are seriously the cleanest dogs I've ever seen!

summer said…
they really are incredibly clean!
and these photos are wonderful- surprisingly, they make me feel so happy & carefree. How do dogs have that effect on me?!
Rachel Follett said…
These make me smile too. Fun photos.
Courtney said…
AH! They look fake. So cute: I love their ears.
Blair Friedeman said…
i know-i thought they were fake when I saw the first picture!
Courtney said…
Oh, they are just too cute!
Beautiful to see these captured places . Cut Out Image

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