letterpress chocolate

No, that is not a typo! One of my best friends, the one I did this wedding inspiration board post for, just sent me an e-mail to share these amazing chocolates and I am so happy she did. All I know that I would love to have one of these attached to a present or as my place card at dinner. Oh, the possibilities are just endless!


Miss | A said…
i am blown away at how cool these are!!! so cooooool. awesome FIND!
Girly-Girl said…
Gorgeous. I love the chocolate name seating. Although in the heat of Singapore (90% humidity) it would probably melt.:(
georgia b. said…
very very cool. i have a friend who will gaga over these!

you just find the best stuff—always!
Callie Grayson said…
mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chocolate
and so cute!
paula said…
speechless. in a good way of course.
Rachel said…
Those are way too cool! I would never want to eat them.
please sir said…
What a clever and great idea - and YUM!
Anonymous said…
Who thinks of these things? I was just thinking that chocolate coins was clever but this beats it by far!
Anonymous said…
HOW FANTASTIC! It would be so fun to spell out fun sayings in cookies, brownies, cake, etc. Your blog is always filled with the cutest and neatest things-thanks so much for sharing with us!
christina said…
These are so cool. Seriously, the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. Great find!
Courtney said…
These are incredible! Love love love. What a great find!
Rebecca K. Zakrzewski said…
This is an excellent post . Great thanks for shared with us . Cut Out Image

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