guest interview {holiday traditions}

The adorable and very talented Courtney over at Under a Paper Moon nicely asked me to share my Christmas Traditions on her blog. You can see my answers and those of other lovely bloggers right here.

Hope you are having a very happy and festive beginning to the holiday week. I am still rushing around doing last minute errands but will be back and posting in full force later today!Link


Courtney said…
Blair, thank you so much for doing this interview! I absolutely learning about your traditions.

I am about to rush out on last minute errands as well. Good luck with all of yours! xx
Courtney said…
Whoops- make that "absolutely LOVED learning about your traditions"
how exciting! off to check it out now :)
Anonymous said…
loved this interview Blair! I told courtney that I'm nominating you to host us all for a ski trip next christmas! of course, i'm happy to help with the cooking if you'll just provide comfy beds for us all ;)

hope you're enjoying your time in chicago with the fam! glad you got there safely with all this crazy weather :)

georgia b. said…
so fun to get to know a little more about Blair!
thank you for sharing the link.

i think we have similar tastes in decorating for the holidays. although, i can honestly say, i don't have a stocking nearly as cool as your mouse stocking!
Suzette D. Burks said…
Thank you very much for shared your post on public . Cut Out Image
Robert Smith said…
Nice article as well as the whole site.Thanks for sharing.

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