a country christmas

Just when I thought I was running out of holiday inspiration I came across this incredibly simple country holiday decor in County Homes & Interiors. The simplicity of the decor has a very romantic and charming appeal.


christina said…
Very nice. Gives me something to think about for next year.
Brown Button Trading said…
Beautiful Blair - what stunning images, thank you for sharing!

Wishing you a fabulous christmas and new year. Thank you so much for stopping by Brown Button - you are the sweetest, you have the most beautiful blog, I've finally got my arse into gear and added you to my blog roll.

see you in the new year sweets! x
Courtney said…
These holiday decorations are wonderful in their simplicity. It looks like a Christmas spent there would be warm and comforting.
Shannon C. Bird said…
Happy christmas . Thanks for shared . Cut Out Image
Robert Smith said…
Amazing decorations. This is so gorgeous. Thanks

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