[casual] dining + a guest post
I have to say that I always preferred formal dining areas for dinner parties to casual ones but at the moment I am just craving a more casual spot to host a simple midweek dinner. I don't really have the space for one right now but these are some dining rooms that I am storing away for future inspiration...

(via unknown, anson smart, hallie burton, erik johnson,prue ruscoe, prue ruscoe)
Which do you prefer? Casual or formal?
Also hop on over to Design Lovely for a special cheap(er) chic guest post I put together for Rachel while she was away on her honeymoon!

(via unknown, anson smart, hallie burton, erik johnson,prue ruscoe, prue ruscoe)
Which do you prefer? Casual or formal?
Also hop on over to Design Lovely for a special cheap(er) chic guest post I put together for Rachel while she was away on her honeymoon!
I'm definitely all for casual... but that's probably because most of my dinner parties include children!
you have given me a great idea! i didn't even think about the fact that i will not be able to blog while i'm Florida at the end of April. would you do me the honor of guest posting on Jorjah-B while i am away? that would be so fantastic!
i'm off to check out your guest post now.
i love them all, but i particularly love the patio overlooking the water.
shyeah, that's my place right there.
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