event inspiration {refined rustic}

Living in a mountain town I constantly find myself trying to steer clear of rustic style but to be honest when comes to events it is my favorite theme. When refined and simple it creates the perfect party atmosphere. Think horseshoes, barns and bonfires...

(via gws, southern weddings, a hana designs, erica obrien, lonny, 100 layer cake)
Sounds like a fun party, right?


Callie Grayson said…
that cake is amazing!
great images:)
Courtney said…
I love this spread! I know what you mean about rustic style for event decor; I don't even want to know how many times I've used the word "rustic" in my blog posts.
Jennifer said…
Exactly what I envision for my future wedding. Love it. That barn is seriously amazing.
My Dream Canvas said…
Hi Blair, I love rustic..its my favorite word and conjures so many lovely images. Do stop by my blog when you get the chance at www.mydreamcanvas.blogspot.com. I would love to hear from you. Great post!
Unknown said…
I love even though its rustic it has a sense of elegance to it! Good pictures!
So gorgeous! Love the big barn table with elegant chandeliers...and unexpected hay bale benches!
The Shiny Pebble said…
I love the simplicity of the white flower bouquet. I don't know what they are, but they are lovely.
Melissa Blake said…
I love the table!! xoxo
Unknown said…
i swear you put together the loveliest inspiration boards. i fall for each new theme every time!
Christina said…
that cake is quite beautiful. this post makes me want to take a weekend trip to a cabin :)
seesaw designs said…
yep, it sounds pretty fun to me. i love the jars, and that drawer unit. beautiful inspiration board.
Haven and Home said…
Oh that cake, it is divine!
Chic Coles said…
Wow! I didn't know "rustic" could look so classy and fun! I would love to attend this.
Jenn said…
Beautiful, and love that cake with the cute little birds
Anonymous said…
I LOVE your table setting pictures! They're always the bests :D
The Uppity Puppy said…
What a perfect blend of down to earth elegance - like you! Lovely!
Richelle H. Duong said…
All of these are very inspiring and unique decoration . Remove White Background

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