[red] overwhelming or inviting?

It is no secret that I adore colorful accents in interiors. However, there is one color that I have really never totally embraced and that is red. I always just thought it was a little too bold but lately I have seen it used in some ways that are more warm than overwhelming.

(via cookie,design*sponge, desire to inspire, gaelle le boullicaut, william waldron,tim clinch, living etc)
What are your thoughts on this bold color?


iva yaneva said…
the kitchen in my parents' house is red and gray and it really looks good. when we were redecorating we were afraid that it might look too much like blood, but I guess the secret is choosing just a little darker red colour. I think using red for accent is really good and bold, but we should be careful it doesn't get too much :)
Karyn said…
Love it as an accent.
I love whites with some touches of colors like the second pic!
Unknown said…
i think i'm loving it best in the all white room with the two read chairs. totally unexpected and wonderful.
Miss | A said…
i do like red. we stayed away from it on this house bc had so much in our last house. but I do love it in small details.
Anonymous said…
I'm sitting on my couch, next to my red pillow and my red outsized floor vase, as we speak! Love a little bit of red, but just a little, I couldn't paint a wall in it, or have a red couch for instance.
Same New Story said…
I've had the same thoughts about red but I love how it's used in these pictures. The first, third. and sixth pictures are my fav.
georgia b. said…
in these cases, DEFINITELY inviting!
paula said…
My last house had a lot of red so in this house I have none. It seems to be a color that a lot of people use around here, but not in a way as lovely as this.
Not overwhelming in the least!.. My friend painted her front door red and the house was in a Cape Cod style painted in gray and white... Looked very striking ...
inkWELL Press said…
I love red and think it can add just the right pop. The hard thing with red, is choosing a good hue, I think (oh, and making sure you've painted enough coats!). I love that wallpapered entry way. So bold!
Christina said…
oooh, i have a "red" post coming up on a guest blog (i'll let you know when). i'm all about it.
Sarah's Fab Day said…
I'm a red girl. I have lots of red in my home, I wonder when I'll make the switch?
Couture Carrie said…
Fabulous! Love it, especially for kitchens and dining rooms... very flattering tone :)

And is that first pic Orla Kiely?

Blair Friedeman said…
Thanks CC. It is orla kiely indeed!
I love the red, have had it in my home for nearly 14 years, as an accent in one form or another...
On that note! I am now taking a BIG step and changing all the red to orange, now totally obsessed with the red!!!
I will be posting before and afters on my blog as soon as its done, who knows when;-)
btw, check out my blog for my first giveaway and many more to come!!
PS~Erin said…
Red is my favorite color. While I'm branching out, I still love it. My kitchen walls are red and there's a red accent in most of our other rooms. Love the images you found... those dining chairs are my favorite!
I adore red accents! I'm thinking of adding a red piece of furniture to my home. love it!
Truly Smitten said…
I am loving the red pattern!
Nicole Marie said…
inviting!!! i love color. my walls are blue, my desk is green and i want to throw in some yellow too!
Waxy said…
Accent - yes, wall color - scares me!
You Are My Fave said…
I have never been a red fan. When people would tell me red was their favorite color I would be like, "Really? That's dumb." I don't think it will ever dominate my house but I like the red chairs with the white table.
fric and frac said…
I love red! The third picture with the lattice red in the entryway is my home! I was so surprised when I scrolled down and saw it! I love red mixed with other colors. I have red metal chairs in my dining room with a white farm table and yellow walls. Red always makes me feel happy. It is the color of strawberries, raspberries, and watermelons...what's better than that! Love the 4th and 5th pictures and the Orla Kiely wallpaper! Thanks for posting!
We had just this color in our bathroom in New York City---it looked great as we had black and white tile on the floor and halfway up the wall, then a really rich red on the other half of the walls. I am all for it!
we're loving the use of color in these photos! Simply put- we likey.
Red is probably my least favorite color... but I love that first image! Actually, all of the images are great. I just would prefer not to have red in my closet or house!
Erin said…

colour colour colour the world needs more colour . .. i'm a total junkie.

luv ure blog btw
Anonymous said…
i wish i could do something bold like that third picture!!
jen jafarzadeh said…
Hey Blair, I'm with you. I've always had a hard time embracing red at home (and actually in my wardrobe, too.) Though I'm getting into the more pinky radish reds I've been seeing.
Beth S. Damore said…
All are looking brilliant here . Thank you so much . Cut Out Photos

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