felling girly {zig zag love}

I think it is because they appeal to my girly side but I am really loving chevron patterns lately, it started with a love for just pink ones...

And then grew to include blue ones

and even black.

(via arent and pyke pinboard, flickr, linda&harriet, rubie green, domino, living etc, design*sponge)
GET THE LOOK: If you are looking to add zig zags to your home I recommend you check out the rugs of Madeline Weinrib Atelier and those from West Elm, the adorable throw pillows from twinkle living or this fantastic mirror from Pottery Barn. And if you are looking to add some to your wardrobe I would take a peak at both Milly's and DVF's offerings or this pink zig scarf.


paula said…
I would just love a chevron rug.
angelo said…
Great pics. The top one is daring, smart & fun. Coolness.
Rachel said…
Love that first photo! These rugs definitely add some fun into the rooms!
bananas. said…
i am loving chevron too...and not the gas ;) great post.
Couture Carrie said…
I love zig zags too, especially on rugs! Fab post!

Unknown said…
LOVE this post!!! i would love to have one of those rugs - especially madeline weinrib!
J. Cochran said…
It's definitely a bold choice!

I think my favorite is when used with a neutral pallet, so that it really stands out and makes a statement. The second to last photo of the sitting area is a great example!

Nice collection of photos!
Love these images. Esp the rugs!
These pictures are so divine. I'd really like a zig zag scarf worn as a headband - much like the red haired beauty in the fourth pic. Love! :)
simplesong said…
i looove a good zig zag and always think linda & harriet does it perfectly. love these! so cheery.
Navy & white chevron has always been one of my favorite designs. I love the tall, glossy traditional Mexican ceramic lidded ginger jars that stand out against dark, rough honed woods.

The pink is a new one to me.
Christina said…
i really want a black and white chevron rug for my living area and i love the pink one.
You Are My Fave said…
I'm ohhing and ahhing over the pink.
Rachel Follett said…
Definitely digging the zig zags especially on stationary! So pretty!
love the first black and white rug!
Loving that pink zag scarf.
Two Tall Girls said…
Top pic = WOW. Love it.
Abbie said…
I am obsessed! I'm thinking of running some Linda & Harriet paper through our printer for escort cards for our wedding. The blue zig zag rocks.
Jess LC said…
Yea! This is a post made for me. I am totally loving this pattern (still hunting for [affordable] sheets with this pattern) but if all else fails I could get that seafoam pillow from Twinkle Living.

Thank you!
Haven and Home said…
Chevron is always a favorite of mine!
I'm impressed to see your post . Like these all . Cut Out Photos

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