splashes of [hermes] orange

(via eric piasecki)
I lived in an apartment with a dark orange accent wall that I had a love hate relationship with and ever since I have been a little weary of the color. But I finally found a shade of it that I could live with and truly love as an accent color--let's call it Hermes orange.

via domino)

(via sarah hogan)

(via penny wincer)

(via hallie burton)

(via dan duchars)
What is your take on this playful color?


alishagwen said…
orange is my new pink!
I have recently painted the ceilings of two clients this color and they love it!

and thank you for all the inspiring images... i recently started my own blog because of your blog (along with my others) and added you to my favorites list!
Anonymous said…
Love me some orange. The headboard rocks.
Anonymous said…
Yes please to Hermes orange! I LOVE it as an accent color, and I want a set of Hermes china just so I can leave the boxes lying around my house ;)
Anonymous said…
It looks beautiful as an accent color. LOVE the last picture of the staircase.
Blair Friedeman said…
Anne--I like the way you think!
well, it looks great in these photos here--and we do have a chili/orange accent wall in our home--so i guess my take on the color is YES!
Christina said…
i don't have any orange in my home that i can think of, but i think that lamp would be a great place to start!
paula said…
these are amazing. You are correct, the perfect shade for playfulness. In our old home we had an orange kitchen, in this home I wanted none, but now I may reconsider.
Rachel said…
So sophisticated! Although I should admit that I am a sucker for orange - I painted the main wall in my apartment BRIGHT orange and loved it for a full two years.
inkWELL Press said…
I've been having a bit of an orange obsession myself lately... I might need to be stopped. I don't know what it is, but it just seems to brighten any room you add it to.

I do agree, that Hermes orange is beautiful.
DesignTies said…
I love this colour, so much in fact that I've painted my dining room a similar orange with ancents of the same colour in the living room. I'm also pulling orange as an accent into my client's bedroom. Such a terrific colour!
Victoria from EdinDesigns @ DesignTies
Joyce said…
I like the orange color. I have a copper faux wall with the colors of orange in it. It is a fun and sassy color.
jen deibert jewelry said…
i LOVE orange..it's been my favorite color for about a year now! my favorite is the orange runner up the steps..i've been dying to do that to my stairs but haven't gotten around to it yet...
Julia said…
That's the perfect name for this brilliant colored orange. I can't get over the orange stairs! They make me incredible envious, though I'm not sure I'd ever be brave enough for orange stairs!
PS~Erin said…
I've never bold enough to pull it off, but it is a beautiful color. I love the images w/ the one big pop of orange. Works so well.
Lindsey said…
Orange is such a tricky color in so many ways. It really has it's trends, doesn't it? You have to get the color just right or it's all wrong. Even in painting, my watercolors fight me all the time when I'm trying to find the perfect pumpkin-y hue. Brava for your success.
Unknown said…
You don't often see splashes of orange. At least not in my experience, but I really love it! My boyfriend decided the other day that he wanted to reupholster the couch in orange. I think this has convinced me it might be a good idea!
i'm sold just on the name! ;) gorgeous interiors, xx
Rachel Follett said…
You should start a paint color company! Love the name - Hermes Orange. I really like this orange with white and gray. The interiors you chose are nice because the orange is not overwhelming and it gives the room a little pop!
Blair Friedeman said…
Thank you Rachel! I will add paint company to my current list of potential business ideas;)
Anonymous said…
I'll take a splash of Hermes Orange any day. Actually, I think I'd love it even more if it were closer to the coral spectrum.

Jill GG said…
love, love, love! I just painted a table bright yellow, so I have "used up" my one bright color for the house... but these pictures are just STUNNING!
Courtney said…
I really like these images. Although orange isn't usually my favorite, I could see myself getting used to Hermes orange [if used correctly]. The little pops of colour work so well in these spaces as they are far from overwhelming. [The shade in the top photo reminds me of a shag rug we had at the cabin while I was growing up... I wonder where that ended up?]
Miss | A said…
I am in LOVE with orange! It plays big in our house. Love it love it, all shades!
AshleyL. said…
CUTE orange phone! Love all of the the simple touches!
kadler said…
Wow, those stairs are to die for! Are they carpet or paint?
c said…
great post i love the collection of images! i'm just starting to have feelings for this color, and i do believe this post has officially confirmed it! x chantal
summer said…
ooh, i LOVE these splashes of hermes.
so fun & current & cheerful!
Amy (the b-line) said…
I love the orange splashes, particularly the carpeting on the stairs in the last photo. Paired with white walls, it's a winner!
georgia b. said…
awesome! i love orange. it is my favorite color by far. it's done perfectly in all these examples.
Anonymous said…
Orange is my favorite color so much so that I committed to a huge orange chair a few years ago. It's the one pop of color in my living room and it definitely gets a lot of attention.
I am on the same track! I now have reds, brown, ivory...
But want to change my red accent to the orange. There is a knoll graffiti fabric that I want to use and need the right orange. Before I start the match the swatch journey, does anyone have a paint color swatch name? I posted the fabric on my blog wih my accent orange.
love your blog;-)
Anonymous said…
thanks to color me happy I have found you!! I tell you, when you grow tired of your apartment, I'll buy it! Really neat color! I will be following you.
Jo K. Mattson said…
These are looks excellent . Like these much . Cut Out Image
Robert Smith said…
Orange is my favorite color. These are looking so beautiful.

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