preparing for spring..
Although spring is not quite here (technically starts two weeks from today) I think I am going to force it to come early--quite literally. I sadly haven't planted any bulbs in my yard and to me spring is just not the same without them. So, this weekend I will be attempting to "force" some bulbs--thinking about hyacinth, as they have the loveliest aroma and possibly tulips. That way when spring does come I will have some fresh cut flowers to tote around in the basket of my bike...

(via ericka mcconnell)
What is your favorite spring flower? Or have you ever forced bulbs?

(via ericka mcconnell)
What is your favorite spring flower? Or have you ever forced bulbs?
I can't wait to shed the winter coat!
Have a golden weekend!
I love peonies and dhalias, however tulips and daffodils scream "SPRING" to me.
Yes, I have forced bulbs. I did a whole bunch of them a few years back and it was a lot of work actually so I haven't done it again, but it is a fun project if you haven't done it before. I did tulips, hyacinth, and grape hyacinth. They do take quite a while to come up-several weeks in the refrigerator for the cool, dark environment they need, and then several more weeks in the sunlight. It's a good project to start in January. :)
My favorite spring flowers, hands down, are peonies!