fabulous florals

On this gray, dreary and rainy day (I sound like Eeyore!) there is truly nothing that I would rather think about than flowers. Whether they are real and in a stunning arrangement..

the detailing on a dainty teacup...

gracing the fabrics of a marvelously decorated living room...

or the pattern on a fabulous pencil skirt...

(all photos via polly wreford)
..no matter what form they come in they all lift my spirits. What lifts your spirits on the dreariest of days?


Christina said…
love all of these photos! i tend to wear bright colors on dreary days b/c it makes me happier (and people comment on 'being a ray of sunshine') oh and there's nothing wrong w/Eeyore, he was my favorite!!!
Blair said…
Lovely! I recently posted a rainy day pick-me-up post too!
Oh Blair, these photos are really cheery! I adore that floral pencil skirt with all those boxes, and the living room is dreamy!
Couture Carrie said…
Divine posts like this one lift my spirits on dreary days, darling!

Love all these pics, particularly the last one. I am a total sucker for a hat box!

Btw Blair, you are tres fab and I am adding you to my Fellow Fashionistas blogroll presently!

inkWELL Press said…
Great florals - especially that little pencil skirt!
please sir said…
Amazing arrangements - love those precious teacups!
Anonymous said…
these photos are fantastic. so dreamy and airy and just sing of spring! can you tell i'm excited?
they def light my spirits, i love that first image.
Rachel said…
Hot tea and cookies! Luckily, I have both right now.
Unknown said…
You have a delightful blog! Flowers just raise spirits on dull days xoxo
Blair Friedeman said…
Oh, Rachel-I just made myself some hot tea too and it is definitley helping:)

Carrie- Thank you! I have added you to my blog roll as well!

And thank you A little Princess for the sweet comment about my blog.
Anonymous said…
what a great post--soo much color and florals :-) I want BOTH the pencil floral skirt AND those adorable hat boxes!!
indeed, nothing cheers up a grey day (very common here!) better than colourful flowers! :)
paula said…
these photos are so pretty. love them, love them!
christina said…
That tiny teacup is too cute! Great finds. Hopefully the sun will find you soon!
Anonymous said…
That first photo just made my day! It's stunning.
Anonymous said…
great photos. that teacup one is just gorgeous. florals tend to cheer me up as well, that and a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies!
Callie Grayson said…
what a pretty post!
a good cup of tea and home made shortbread lift my spirits up on a dreary day. oh, and cupcakes with yummy frosting:)
Anonymous said…
What a gorgeous post! Sitting down with a cup of green tea and a great magazine or book definitely lifts my spirits.
Anonymous said…
Music and a cup of hot chocolate while curled up on my couch, with a favourite magazine always helps me on those cold, dreary days.
Those flowers are just stunning, can't get enough of them at the moment. Beautiful post as always Blair xx
Cindy said…
the same thing! this is the prettiest post - i love the tea cups & the flowers. thank you for visiting us. i love your blog!
Irene said…
Your post certainly lifted my spirits! Such beautiful picks. Thank you.
pve design said…
I almost forgot that it was a gray day today.
Jeez, what a little color can do - like a fresh squeezed glass of lemonade! Moi!
Just amazing . I appreciate your post and a lot of thank for this here . Cut Out Image

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