blue bird bride

Yesterday morning I saw my first bluebird of the season--it was perched on the top of sage bush peeking through the snow. The first thought that went through my mind wasn't that it was a sign of spring but what a lovely color palette that moment would create for a wedding. So, during moments of procrastination this afternoon I tried to come up with a wedding inspiration board to match my morning bluebird moment. Something about a playful garden wedding with vintage touches seemed to be appropriate:

(vintage blue getaway car via elizabeth messina, monogrammed handkerchief via red ribbon studio, stationary suite via Brides, boutonniere via suzy clement, parisole via rebecca thuss, bouquet via artfool, dress via j.crew, cupcakes via martha stewart, tented garden setting via elizabeth messina, hair piece via leah c)


grrr! sorry that "ed" found you too, you might want to delete his comments as the links are mainly "mature content" in cantonese! he left like 20 comments on mine too!!

on another note, what beautiful photos, blue is my fav colour! :)
Anonymous said…
I love it! Despite blue not being my favorite color.The anemones in the bouquet are fabulous! I'd love to see a close up so I can figure out the blue flowers.
Haven and Home said…
This makes me wish I taken more time to think about what colors I wanted in my wedding. This blue is unexpected and special. Well done!
Such a lovely board, Blair!
Have a wonderful weekend, darling!
Daniella said…
very pretty! I love the blue theme!
Unknown said…
This is one of the prettiest wedding boards I have ever seen (altho I must admit I don't pay tons of attention to wedding stuff). I love this particular shade of blue and if I can't have that tented room I would settle for some lovely pansy cupcakes! Just beautiful!!
So pretty. I love the tented area you picked as the reception site. Amazing. I always a wedding like the one in Father of the Bride and a huge tent!

Love that dress too. Why oh why did I got for Vera Wang when I could have saved my pennies and gone J.CREW!
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness it's GORGEOUS Blair! I just love the sensibility you've created--a little rustic, a little refined. Just like a bluebird!
Blair Friedeman said…
Thank you Anne--that was exactly what I was going for!

Mar Jo--your comment just made my day! Thank you.
Zaina said…
these photographs are classical elegant, and a goldmine of inspiration,
wonderful blogs too btw
x zee
Couture Carrie said…
Oh how divine! I love this collage . . . it makes me want to be married or eat mini cupckaes, or at least see a bluebird!

inkWELL Press said…
This wedding board is gorgeous - love the small pops of blue... not too overwhelming. Sometimes the colors in a wedding can take over, but not in any of these... and that DRESS, oh. so. delicious.
Dionne said…
I have never seen a bluebird in real life before. I am missing out, aren't I?

I love the image of the flower on the lapel of that suit - the pattern on the suit fabric looks really quirky! And those little chocolate truffles with the flowers on them... adorable!
Anonymous said…
oh my goodness, that dress is so stunning and unbelievably gorgeous! I love that the subtle top balances out the frilliness of the bottom-J. Crew does it again!
Courtney said…
This board is simply lovely-- I adore the getaway car and the tented garden setting. This would be a spectacular wedding.
Rachel Follett said…
Blair, this is lovely! I considered going with blue for my wedding!
Courtney said…
Great job Blair, this is gorgeous. I love that wedding gown: how lovely. You have a real knack for creating these boards.
Melissa said…
This is such a pretty board, I love the blue and love the convertible too:)
Alta K. Petersen said…
Just excellent to see this here . Cut Out Image

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