not going to fight my love

So, as fate would have it I was trying to work on a colorful interiors post and came across these elegant and neutral spaces instead, courtesy of House Beautiful. I promise to inject a little more color in to a post soon but for now I am not going to fight my adoration for neutral palettes.


Anonymous said…
Um, yes please! Let's move in! I love all the lush cushions and textiles. So decadent, but the neutrals keep it restrained too. LOVE!

Oh and I have GOT to see pics of your prom dress Blair! Yay for Gwyneth style!
Anonymous said…
I know what you mean-as much as I love all those bright and bold colors, I just can never stray too far from white and neutral spaces. They're just so fresh and relaxing. Great photos!
Courtney said…
Great post. Love this room and its neutral colour palette. One of my most favorite, ever. No joke. So lovely.

Thank you Blair, I am happy you let your inner passion for neutrals shine through!
Anonymous said…
I love the Italian feel to these spaces and that big ironwork piece is stunning!
Blair Friedeman said…
I know, I adore that ironwork piece too! And with those tall ceilings it is not overwhelming.
Kierstin Bridger said…
I can't even articulate why I love this room...maybe because it's timeless, ageless and not even one iota trendy- nice find!
Courtney said…
These rooms are lovely, and you can share all the neutral spaces you like! The debate between wanting color and wanting neutral palettes in my home is certainly raging in my head! I somehow constantly find myself wanting both these days.
cassandra said…
i love that they did that second to last bench in a chocolate velveteen matching the wood - we always try to contrast things, but look how beautiful it is with just the contrast of textures and the color to tie it all together. gorgeous!!
Vong Chong said…
The first one and the last one picture looks more nice . Cut Out Image

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