red hot!

I am incredibly incredibly accident prone! When my parents heard I was learning to build fires in a wood burning stove, their first question was whether or not I had a fire extinguisher. I do have one but it is definitely hidden it under the sink. However, this is one extinguisher that I definitely would not hide:


christina said…
Very cute. And just the right size for the occasional minor mishap.
paula said…
fabulous. you have just reminded me that i need to pick one up.
Miss | A said…
very cool. That would be great to display!
please sir said…
And cute too - love it! Oh red!
Jackie said…
What a cute little guy!
summer said…
how do find all of these lovely things?!
Rachel said…
So cute! And I actually need a fire extinguisher for my tiny kitchen and was wondering where I would fit it.
Sarah's Fab Day said…
I have such a crush on this little guy!
Callie Grayson said…
love the red hot colour and shape!
so cute!

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