hoping gray doesn't go away

The blog world seems be me making a flurry of color predictions from 2009 and I especially love the ones from Anne from The City Sage (in a guest post on coco+kelley). I am so excited that she included a darker shade of gray in her list and a fresh lime green--but even more so by the combination of the two! Some of the rooms that she used for examples were from the amazing Parisian abode of Australian Fashion design, Martin Grant. His home is truly stunning and so inspiring that I couldn't resist sharing them.

(all photos via Elle Decoration Januray 2008)
i love it in fashion especially. i used to be afraid to use it in interiors, but since it has become so big, i'm getting a little more guts to try it!
His home is amazingly beautiful, full of inspiration for me!
But seriously, the perfect blend of rustic and industrial in this home is EXACTLY what I aspire to in my own space. And the way he's combined mid-century pieces with parisian antiques. Swoon!
So here's what I figure: with all the skiing you've been doing, you must be in pretty good shape. And I've been burning it up at the gym lately. So if we get together, we could TOTALLY do a home invasion on this one, oust the current owner with some of our tough girl moves, and voila! spend the rest of our days hosting fabulous luncheons in this beautiful space. You in?